Prayer Times in Houston

Get the most accurate Houston, Texas, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Offering daily prayer (Salat) is one of the most vital and essential duties that have to be performed as well as fulfilled by all the Muslims worldwide. All your problems are going to be solved when you offer your prayers on the right salat time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings will always be on you.

Prayers Time in

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Location Time: 2024-12-03 12:48:48
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Latitude: 29.76328
Longitude: -95.36327


Prayers Time

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Prayers Time Table

December Jumada Al Oula Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Qiyam
01 Sun 29 05:50 07:00 12:11 15:03 17:22 18:32 00:11
02 Mon 30 05:50 07:00 12:11 15:03 17:22 18:32 00:11
December Jumada Al Akhira
03 Tue 01 05:51 07:01 12:12 15:03 17:22 18:32 00:11
04 Wed 02 05:52 07:02 12:12 15:03 17:22 18:32 00:12
05 Thu 03 05:52 07:03 12:12 15:03 17:22 18:32 00:12
06 Fri 04 05:53 07:03 12:13 15:03 17:22 18:32 00:13
07 Sat 05 05:54 07:04 12:13 15:03 17:22 18:33 00:13
08 Sun 06 05:54 07:05 12:14 15:04 17:22 18:33 00:14
09 Mon 07 05:55 07:06 12:14 15:04 17:23 18:33 00:14
10 Tue 08 05:56 07:06 12:15 15:04 17:23 18:33 00:15
11 Wed 09 05:56 07:07 12:15 15:04 17:23 18:34 00:15
12 Thu 10 05:57 07:08 12:16 15:05 17:23 18:34 00:15
13 Fri 11 05:58 07:08 12:16 15:05 17:24 18:34 00:16
14 Sat 12 05:58 07:09 12:16 15:05 17:24 18:35 00:16
15 Sun 13 05:59 07:10 12:17 15:06 17:24 18:35 00:17
16 Mon 14 05:59 07:10 12:17 15:06 17:25 18:35 00:17
17 Tue 15 06:00 07:11 12:18 15:06 17:25 18:36 00:18
18 Wed 16 06:01 07:11 12:18 15:07 17:25 18:36 00:18
19 Thu 17 06:01 07:12 12:19 15:07 17:26 18:37 00:19
20 Fri 18 06:02 07:12 12:19 15:08 17:26 18:37 00:19
21 Sat 19 06:02 07:13 12:20 15:08 17:27 18:38 00:20
22 Sun 20 06:03 07:13 12:20 15:09 17:27 18:38 00:20
23 Mon 21 06:03 07:14 12:21 15:09 17:28 18:39 00:21
24 Tue 22 06:03 07:14 12:21 15:10 17:29 18:39 00:21
25 Wed 23 06:04 07:15 12:22 15:11 17:29 18:40 00:22
26 Thu 24 06:04 07:15 12:22 15:11 17:30 18:40 00:22
27 Fri 25 06:05 07:15 12:23 15:12 17:30 18:41 00:23
28 Sat 26 06:05 07:16 12:23 15:12 17:31 18:42 00:23
29 Sun 27 06:05 07:16 12:24 15:13 17:32 18:42 00:24
30 Mon 28 06:06 07:16 12:24 15:14 17:32 18:43 00:24
31 Tue 29 06:06 07:17 12:25 15:14 17:33 18:44 00:25
You can print the Islamic Calendar 2024 and namaz timetable of prayer times in Houston, Texas, United States for the whole year. The Prayer Timings schedule of Houston, Texas, United States is updated automatically, so you can always find the most authentic and accurate prayer timings and Ramadan Calendar 2024 for the month of Ramadan Houston, Texas, United States. You can also download the Muslim and Quran app for prayer timings to view all namaz times anywhere, anytime. The Muslim and Quran app also gives you a chance to log your PrayerBook and notifies you to view your prayer history with ease all the time.

Prayer Times today in Houston, Texas, United States are Fajar Prayer Time 05:51, Dhuhr Prayer Time 12:12, Asar Prayer Time 15:03, Maghrib Prayer Time 17:22 & Isha Prayer Time 18:32. Get the most accurate Houston, Texas, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Popular Mosques in Houston


Are you looking for mosques in Houston where you can offer your daily prayers? You can choose a mosque near you from our list of mosques in the city to connect with your faith and community. Houston is home to a large population of American Muslims. According to the 2017 census, approximately 250,000 Muslims live in Houston and adjoining localities.  


A survey of Muslims living in Houston found that at least half of the Muslims living here have been here for more than 20 years. The study also found that about 94% of the Muslims surveyed found Houston very welcoming to Muslims and Muslim families. They felt safe raising a family here and enjoyed living in an inclusive area. As Muslim Americans continue to flourish in Houston, they've established mosques and community centers to help them practice their faith, connect with fellow Muslims, and pass down Islamic teachings to their children. 


Let us look at some of the mosques and their prayer times in Houston:


1. Al-Noor


Al-Noor is a non-profit Islamic Center established in 1987 out of the need for a Sunni Masjid where believers can gather to pray and hold various religious events. At the time, Al-Noor was the only mosque in Houston serving the Sunni community. Now, there are many, but Al-Noor still serves as a leader among many of the newly built religious centers that turn to it in times of guidance. 


In 1992, Al-Noor acquired new land near Prestwood, where they are presently located. They soon expanded and created a second location on 225 Maxey Road. Al-Noor has an accredited educational institute by the name of Al-Noor Institute of Islamic Sciences. So far, eight individuals have graduated from the Institute's five-year program. 


The mosque has the following facilities: 


  • Great location, about two blocks from the main freeway near Hillcroft.
  • The mosque can accommodate 1100 people. 
  • Separate prayer halls for men and women.
  • A dining area.
  • Classrooms for Islamic Classes for children. 
  • Recitation of Durood Sharif every Sunday, followed by breakfast. 
  • Daily prayers, five times a day.
  • Jumma prayers. 


Al-Noor, Houston – Prayer Times 


  • Fajr - 5:50 AM
  • Zuhur – 12:11 PM
  • Asr – 3:03 PM
  • Maghrib – 5:22 PM
  • Ishā – 6:32 PM
  • Friday Prayer – 1:05 PM


Al-Noor Center Details


  • Website: Al-Noor
  • Address / Location: 6443 Prestwood Dr, Houston, Texas
  • Phone Number: +1 713-779-1304
  • Google Maps:
  • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Instagram 


2. Madina Masjid


Madina Masjid is a spacious mosque located in Southwest Houston with a large prayer hall and parking that can accommodate more than 150 cars. Apart from the 5 daily prayers with Jamaat and the Friday prayer, the mosque offers other services, including Taleem (Quran education) after Fajr prayer daily with complimentary coffee and dates. Moreover, on Sundays, the mosque arranges Quran lessons after Fajr prayer, where they serve complimentary snacks after the class. The mosque is a community center where believers and their friends and family are welcome to attend gatherings. 


Services include:


  • Funeral Services
  • Separate prayer hall for women
  • Particular wudu area for women
  • Eid Khutbah and prayer
  • Sunday School


Madina Masjid welcomes people from other faiths to visit the facility to learn more about Islam and how Muslims fashion their lives after the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). The mosque is presently asking for old household items and appliances as donations. 


Madina Masjid, Houston – Prayer Times


  • Fajr - 5:50 AM
  • Zuhur – 12:11 PM
  • Asr – 3:03 PM
  • Maghrib – 5:22 PM
  • Ishā – 6:32 PM
  • Friday Prayer – 1:45 PM 


Madina Masjid Details



3. ISGH Bear Creek Islamic Center (BCIC) | Masjid Al-Mustafa


The Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH) Bear Creek Islamic Center, also known as Masjid Al-Mustafa, comes under the Islamic Society of Greater Houston. It is more than a mosque and is proud to call itself a community center. The Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH) Bear Creek Islamic Center does not have a website but a Facebook page where you can learn about the mosque's activities. The mosque is currently undergoing expansion as a new center is being constructed and has shared its progress on its Facebook page. The Bear Creek Islamic Center also holds events on behalf of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston, and you can find posts on their Facebook page describing various events. 


Services that the Islamic Center offers include:


  • Funeral Services
  • Daily Prayers
  • Jumma Prayers
  • Eid Prayers
  • Outreach and Interfaith programs
  • Job Networking 
  • Nikah Services 
  • Bear Creed Sunday School for Children 


You can check the daily prayer times at the mosque below or visit their Facebook page for daily updates. The mosque has good reviews on Facebook, about 4.7 out of 5. Reviewers felt that it was clean and hygienic. They also thought that the mosque's management was very efficient and well-organized. Overall, Bear Creed is a great mosque to attend, especially if you have children, as it seems to have many activities for the younger crowd. 


ISGH Bear Creek Islamic Center (BCIC) | Masjid Al-Mustafa, Houston – Prayer Times


  • Fajr - 5:40 AM
  • Zuhur – 11:45 AM
  • Asr – 2:10 PM
  • Maghrib – 4:29 PM
  • Ishā – 5:50 PM
  • Friday Prayer – 1:05 PM 


ISGH Bear Creek Islamic Center (BCIC) | Masjid Al-Mustafa Details



4. Masjid Bilal (Adel Road Islamic Center)


The Masjid Bilal, also known as the Adel Road Islamic Center, is located on Adel Road, Houston. The masjid offers prayers five times a day, and the Jumma prayer at 1:30 PM every Friday. Up-and-coming events can be found on their website. For example, they have a Winterfest in a few weeks where families can enjoy food, games, and a petting zoo. There is also a schedule of weekly lectures and sermons that one can attend via Zoom, in addition to some classes conducted outside the mosque. 


If you are interested in learning more about these classes, you can click on the schedule on the homepage to find out how to register. The Imam's corner lists scheduled events that the Imam will hold each week. For example, every Monday, there is beginner Arabic courses after Magrib prayers. And on Friday, classes to memorize the last Juz of the Quran are held after Maghrib prayers. If you want to learn more about the mosque's facilities, you can check out its website. They do have a gymnasium and also offer funeral services. 


Masjid Bilal (Adel Road Islamic Center), Houston – Prayer Times


  • Fajr - 5:40 AM
  • Zuhur – 11:45 AM
  • Asr – 2:10 PM
  • Maghrib – 4:29 PM
  • Ishā – 5:50 PM
  • Friday Prayer – 1:30 PM 


Masjid Bilal (Adel Road Islamic Center) Details



5. Medical Center Islamic Society


The Medical Center Islamic Society is located in the Houston Medical District near Almeda Street. The Houston Medical Center (MCIS) has a high number of Cancer hospitals, which is why many doctors from all over the Muslim World come to Houston to live and raise families. The Medical Center Islamic Society serves as a gathering place where these believers can perform their daily prayers. 


The MCIS management has commissioned a new building near the Medical Center, and the first phase of the construction has been completed. They need donations to complete the rest of the structure. They provide daily prayers, including Jumma prayers. They also perform Tarweeah prayers and Eid Khutbah prayers. They also offer free iftar for believers Monday to Thursday during Ramadan. In addition to these services, the masjid also provides marriage counseling.


Services include:


  • Funeral Services
  • Eid Prayers
  • Jumma Prayers
  • Separate area for women to pray
  • Restrooms for women
  • Particular wudu area for women


The Medical Center Islamic Society is perfect for Muslims in the Houston medical district. You can offer your daily prayers at prayer times in Houston and connect with people of faith over the weekend. 


The Medical Center Islamic Society, Houston – Prayer Times


  • Fajr - 5:50 AM
  • Zuhur – 12:11 PM
  • Asr – 3:03 PM
  • Maghrib – 5:22 PM
  • Ishā – 6:32 PM
  • Friday Prayer – 1:45 PM 


The Medical Center Islamic Society Details






The Fajr prayer time in Houston, Texas is 05:51 today.
The Dhuhr prayer time in Houston, Texas is 12:12 today.
The Asr prayer time in Houston, Texas is 15:03 today.
The Maghrib prayer time in Houston, Texas is 17:22 today.
The Isha prayer time in Houston, Texas is 18:32 today.
The sunrise time in Houston, Texas is 07:01 today.
The sunset time in Houston, Texas is 17:22 today.
Yes, you can subscribe to receive daily prayer notifications with the Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times mobile application in Houston, Texas. Download the application on your Android or iPhone smartphone, select prayer timings, and enable prayer times notifications. The app allows you to choose your preferred prayer timing calculation method, either a high altitude calculation method or timings from the most authentic prayer times calculation authority in your region. Users also have the option to choose their preferred Fiqh and daylight savings to adjust the prayer times automatically. Users can also choose their own notification sound.
If you are following daylight saving time, the time of your daily prayers will have to be adjusted accordingly. The Muslim and Quran - Prayer Times mobile application allows users to enable daylight savings time. To enable the feature, select prayer timings, go to settings, select daylight savings, choose the daylight savings time applicable in your region (+1 hour, +30 minutes, - 30 minutes, -1 hour, etc), and receive auto-adjusted prayer times notification on your phone.

Prayer Times in Other Cities of United States