
Al-Wadud (The Loving): Details


Al- Wadud

Al-Wadud in Arabic:


Arabic root:

و د د

Al-Wadud meaning in English:

"The Loving" "The Affectionate" "The Fond One" "The Most Loving."

Al-Wadud meaning in Urdu:

پیار کرنے والا

Appearance in the Quran:

2 Times


Recite as many times as you desire; there is no specific prescribed amount.

Asma ul Husna with similar meaning:

  • Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious)
  • Ar-Rahim (The Most Merciful)
  • Al-Latif (The Subtle, The Gentle)
  • Al-Kareem (The Generous)
  • Al-Hafeez (The Guardian, The Protector)
  • Al-Barr (The Kind)
  • Ar-Rauf (The Most Compassionate)
  • Al-Hadi (The Guide)
  • Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving)
  • Al-Jawad (The Generous)
  • Al-Wahhab (The Bestower)

Al-Wadud Definition & Meaning

The name "Al-Wadud" translates to "The Loving" in English. It signifies one of Allah's beautiful attributes, describing His boundless and unconditional love. Allah's love is profound and encompasses all of creation, demonstrating His affection and kindness towards His creatures.

In the Quran, Allah emphasizes His love for those who turn to Him in repentance, seek His guidance, and follow His commandments. For example, in Surah Al-A'raf (7:156) it is mentioned:

"Ordain for us what is good in this life and the next. Indeed we have turned to You ˹in repentance˺.” Allah replied “I will inflict My torment on whoever I will. But My mercy encompasses everything. I will ordain mercy for those who shun evil, pay alms-tax and believe in Our revelations."

This verse portrays Allah's mercy and love, assuring believers that His compassion prevails over His wrath. His love extends to those who choose righteousness, charity and faith.

While the term "Al-Wadud" itself may not be explicitly mentioned in the Quranic verse, the concept of Allah's love and mercy is inherent in various verses throughout the Quran. The essence of Allah's love is embedded in His actions, guidance and responses to the sincere efforts of His creation. It is a love that surpasses human understanding, offering comfort, guidance, and forgiveness to those who seek His benevolence.

Significance of Al-Wadud

Al-Wadud, one of the divine names of Allah, holds profound significance in understanding the essence of the Almighty. It embodies the concept of divine love that transcends human comprehension, reflecting Allah's boundless affection and compassion towards His creation. Understanding the Divine Essence Al-Wadud unveils Allah's intrinsic nature of love and care, signifying a love that is not conditional but rather all-encompassing, merciful, and forgiving. Reflecting on this name allows believers to grasp the depth of Allah's benevolence. This prompts believers to explore other attributes of Allah, such as Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious) and Ar-Rahim (The Most Merciful), painting a vivid picture of a loving and compassionate Creator.

The spiritual significance of Al-Wadud in Islam is immense. Recognizing Allah's love fosters a sense of closeness and reliance on Him, encouraging believers to approach their faith with a heart filled with gratitude and trust. Regarding where to use this name, including Al-Wadud in daily prayers enhances the connection between the worshipper and the Most Loving. Seeking blessings in duas invokes Allah's love and blessings into one's life, and incorporating it into remembrance sessions deepens spiritual awareness.

How Many Times You Can Recite This Name

There isn't a prescribed count for how many times to read the name, but sincerity and consistency in invoking Al-Wadud in one's prayers and supplications are key. Regular remembrance fosters a continuous connection with the Divine. Incorporating Al-Wadud into morning and evening remembrances allows believers to start and end their day with a consciousness of Allah's enduring love.

Naming Children After This Name

In daily life, infusing conversations with phrases that reflect Allah's love cultivates a positive and compassionate atmosphere; practicing acts of kindness and compassion mirrors the attribute of Al-Wadud, and reflecting Al-Wadud's qualities inspires believers to emulate love and compassion in their interactions. Naming children after Al-Wadud imparts a sense of spiritual identity and a constant reminder of divine love, symbolizing an unbreakable bond between the Creator and His creation and fostering spiritual growth and resilience.

Cultivating virtues in the next generation is achieved by naming children after Al-Wadud, instilling values of love, kindness, and empathy, and laying the foundation for a virtuous and compassionate future generation. Naming a child after Al-Wadud is a prayerful invocation for the child to be surrounded by Allah's eternal love and guidance throughout their life journey. In essence, Al-Wadud serves as a beacon of divine love, guiding believers to nurture a profound connection with Allah and infuse their lives with compassion and kindness, enriching the spiritual journey and cultivating a heart that reflects the attributes of the Most Loving.

Names of Allah with the Same Meaning as Al-Wadud

Understanding Allah's divine attributes is key to deepening one's connection with the Almighty. Al-Wadud, meaning The Loving, beautifully encapsulates Allah's boundless and compassionate love that goes beyond our understanding. Similar names that reflect various facets of Allah's love include Al-Rahman (The Most Compassionate), portraying a nurturing and caring love; Al-Rahim (The Most Merciful), highlighting forgiveness and benevolence; Al-Kareem (The Most Generous), showcasing lavish and unbounded benevolence; Al-Latif (The Gentle) emphasizing Allah's subtle care; and Al-Barr (The Source of Goodness) representing loving goodness. In simpler terms, these names collectively echo the idea of Allah's immense and caring love, each providing a unique perspective on the boundless affection that Allah showers upon His creation. Each name is a beautiful facet of Allah's love, enriching our understanding and connection with the Most Loving.

More Mentions from the Quran & Hadith about Al-Wadud

In the Quran Allah's attribute as Al-Wadud is beautifully illustrated in various verses. One such instance is found in Surah Al-Buruj (85:14), where it is mentioned,

"Indeed your Lord is the Forgiving the Merciful. He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate."

This verse emphasizes both forgiveness and affection, portraying Allah's loving nature. Another verse in the Quran where the attribute Al-Wadud is mentioned is in Surah Hud (11:90):

"And ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. Indeed my Lord is Merciful and Affectionate."

This verse beautifully combines the qualities of mercy and affection, highlighting Allah's loving nature and His willingness to forgive when His servants turn to Him in repentance. It emphasizes the comforting and caring aspect of Allah's love, inviting believers to seek forgiveness and find solace in the affectionate nature of their Lord.

In Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlighted Allah's love for His creation. In a narration from Sahih Muslim, the Prophet said, "When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book with Him on His Throne: 'My Mercy overpowers My Anger.'"

These verses and hadiths further emphasize Allah's attribute as Al-Wadud, underlining His forgiving, merciful, and affectionate nature towards humanity. They serve as a reminder of the continuous and boundless love that Allah extends to His creation.

The Loving


The Most Loving, The Most Affectionate, The Beloved

Allah is Al-Wadud, the most loving and affectionate. He is faithful to his servants and shows them the purest love. He is the singular source of all love and kindness. The One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him.

Mentions From The Quran & Hadith

From the root w-d-d which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to love to be affectionate to long for, to desire, to wish for.

And ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is Merciful and Affectionate. (Quran 11:90)

And He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate. (Quran 85:14)

Say, [O Muhammad], “If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 3:31)

“Verily, Allah loves those who do good” (Quran 2:195) Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection. (Quran 19:96)

“Verily, Allah loves those who are penitent and those who keep themselves pure” (Quran 2:222).

“…And Allah loves those who are patient’ (Quran 3:146)… Allah loves those who trust in Him (Quran 3:159) …Allah loves those who are just (Quran 5:42) …Allah loves those who foster purity” (Quran 9:108).”