Terms of Use


Muslim and Quran app, which is a reference/education app about the religion of Islam, has provided these Terms & Conditions below. By clicking “I Accept”, “Continue” or “Next” buttons, you reveal that you’ve accepted these Terms.


  • You may not under any circumstances: (i) copy, sell, distribute, transmit, publicly display, rent, lease, export, publish or otherwise reproduce the App or any part thereof in any form by any means; and/or (ii) adapt, modify, decompile, disassemble and/or reverse engineer the App or any part thereof.
  • Muslim and Quran reserves the right (but shall not be obliged) to introduce new products, applications, programmes, services, functions and/or features (collectively, “New Services”) to the App and/or Service. The term “Service” shall include New Services which are provided at no charge or fee unless otherwise indicated.
  • All New Services shall be governed by these Terms & Conditions and may be subject to Additional Terms which you shall be required to agree to before access to and use of such New Services are provided. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms & Conditions and the Additional Terms, the Additional Terms shall prevail in so far as the inconsistency relates to the service, product and/or programme in question unless otherwise provided.
  • You may be required to make an additional payment to use or access New Services or features inside the app.
  • Google Maps, Youtube API, Yandex, Facebook APIs: Some parts of the App and Service implement Google Maps, Youtube API, Yandex, Facebook API(s). By accessing and using such parts of the App and/or Service which implements Google Maps, Youtube API, Yandex, Facebook.
    API(s), you also agree to be bound by Google Maps, Youtube API,Yandex and Facebook’s Terms of Service and Google, Yandex, Facebook Privacy Policy, as may be updated from time to time.
    • Google’s Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy
    • Apple Privacy Policy
    • Youtube API Terms of Service
    • Facebook terms of service and Facebook Data Policy
  • As Muslim and Quran, we publish this Privacy Statement to inform you what information we collect and how we use it to personalize and continually improve your experience. This Privacy Statement applies to Muslim & Quran and its services which collect data from you and does not apply to the product or service that which does not link to this statement or has its privacy statement respectively.

What Muslim and Quran Collects

Muslim and Quran collects the following data from you and your use of the App and of the services available through the App (“Services”): We collect, process and use information that you provide or make available to us when accessing or using our App and Services. Examples of such information include: The information of your access or use of the App and/or Services such as your modifications to any of your settings; dhikrs, prayer times, messages written on Message Editor (Solely, the written text inside the app) and Qur’an reading the page where the user is left of. We also receive, store and process information, including personal data, when user access or use the App, including but not limited to: Device-specific information relating to your device, for example, your device brand and model, operating system version, device language, unique device identifiers (such as IDFA), and mobile network information (such as your mobile carrier); Geolocation information, including but not limited to IP addresses used to connect your device to the internet, GPS data and network services data, anonymously. No user identity is reachable and determinable. Application-specific information relating to the App; like application version number, activity on the App and Subscription status.


  • Generally, the App and/or Service displays advertising provided by various third-party advertising platforms. Muslim and Quran has limited control over the advertising displayed and seeks your understanding in respect of display advertising which may be perceived to be unaligned with the content and purpose of the App, and in the event, any displayed advertising offends you. Offensive and sensitive ad categories like Gambling, Betting and Sexuality, are banned. In addition to, Muslim and Quran app does not accept responsibility of outcomes, of any ad impressions may be from those sensitive ad categories or any other categories.
  • List of Ad Network Companies serving ads in Muslim and Quran App and Apps under Muslim and Quran with their origin of Country and Privacy Policy or Privacy Shield Information. Company, Country, Privacy Policy Statement Links below, respectively.
    • Facebook Inc., United States, https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000GnywAAC
    • Google LLC, United States, https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI
    • Mopub, Inc., United States, https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TORzAAO
    • InMobi, United States and India, https://www.inmobi.com/publisher-data-protection-rider
    • Chartboost, United States, https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TTbcAAG
    • Applovin, United States, https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TNsVAAW
    • Other Services: Bugsnag,Inc., United States, https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TSeVAAW


  • Data and information provided through the App and/or Service may be from various sources, including third-party content providers. Such data and/or information are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace any official information provided by your local Mosque or any other religious authority. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure high standards and quality for the data and information provided through the App and/or Service, Muslim and Quran makes no representations as to the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy or commercial value of all such data and/or information. Muslim and Quran and any of their content providers shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors or delays in the data and information furnished through the App and/or Service, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. You should not act on such data or information without first independently verifying its contents.
  • Muslim and Quran is under no obligation to monitor or review messages, postings, transmissions, and the like on or accessible through the App and/or Service, and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the content on or accessible through the App and/or Service nor for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, inaccuracy or any other objectionable material or content on or accessible through the App and/or Service, now or in the future.
  • Any hyperlink to any other website or webpage is not an endorsement or verification of such website or webpage and should only be accessed at your own risk.


  • The App and Service and all information, materials, services and functions contained therein including, software, programs, data, databases, text, graphics, photographs, animations, audio, music, video, links or other materials, are provided “as is” and “as available”. No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to any warranties of title, non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, agent, program or macros, is given in conjunction with the app or service, or any information and materials provided through the app or service. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, Muslim and Quran does not warrant: (i) the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy or completeness of the information, materials, services and/or functions provided through the App and/or Service; (ii) that your use of and/or access to the App, Service or any information or any materials provided through the App or the Service, or the operation of the App, will be uninterrupted, secure or free from errors or omissions or that any identified defect will be corrected; (iii) that the App, Service or any information or materials provided through the App or Service will meet your requirements or are free from any virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, agent, program or macros; and (iv) that use of the App and/or the materials displayed on the App and/or the Service by you will not infringe the rights of third parties.
  • In addition, Muslim and Quran makes no warranty regarding any applications, products or services that may be or which are purchased or obtained, or any transactions entered into, through the App or Service.
  • You acknowledge and agree that Muslim and Quran does not warrant the security of any information transmitted by or to you using the App or Service and you hereby accept the risk that any information transmitted or received using the App or Service may be accessed by unauthorised third parties and/or disclosed by Muslim and Quran and by its officers, employees or agents to third parties purporting to be you or purporting to act under your authority.
  • You will not hold Muslim and Quran or any of its officers, employees or agents responsible or liable, in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), equity or otherwise, for any such access or disclosure or for any damages, losses, expenses or costs (whether direct or indirect, or whether foreseeable or not) suffered or incurred by you as a result of any such access or disclosure.


  • You will not disclose your contact details to other Users through the App and/or Service and will adhere to any instructions or guidelines which Muslim and Quran may publish or make available from time to time.
  • Muslim and Quran doesn’t endorse or assume any responsibility for the contents of your transmissions or communications through the App and/or Service and you are solely responsible therefor. You warrant and represent that you have the right and authority to submit your User Materials and that your User Materials do not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party. You hereby grant to Muslim & Quran a non-exclusive, worldwide royalty-free, irrevocable licence and right to host, transmit, distribute or use (which will include without limitation, the right to copy, reproduce and/or publish) the User Materials in connection with the provision of the Service to you and for the purposes you have instructed or requested.


  • You agree that all information and/or particulars sent or submitted by you through the App or Service are non-confidential and non-proprietary unless otherwise expressly indicated by you and may be collected, used and disclosed by Muslim and Quran in accordance with Muslim and Quran’s Terms, as may be updated and/or amended by Muslim and Quran from time to time.
    Deletion of Information
    Retention of collected data subjects to the Third Party companies limits, which are listed in 2.2. Muslim and Quran or any Other apps of Muslim and Quran do not collect personal information.


  • Muslim and Quran shall in no event nor for any reason whatsoever be liable, even if Muslim and Quran has been advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses, for any damages, loss or expense, including direct, indirect, special, or consequential damage, or economic loss, arising from or in connection with (i) any access, use or the inability to access or use the App or Service; (ii) any system, server or connection failure, error, omission, interruption, delay in transmission, computer virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, agent program or macros; (iii) any use of or access to any other website or webpage provided through the App or Service; (iv) any services, products, information, data, software or other material obtained or downloaded from the App or Service or from any other website or webpage provided through the App or Service or from any other party referred by or through the use of the App or Service; or (v) your use or misuse of the App or Service. In no event shall Muslim and Quran be liable to you, or any other party for: (a) amounts due from other users of the App or Service in connection with the purchase of any products/services; (b) damages arising in connection with the downloading or installation of, or the inability to download or install the App, by you or other third party; and/or (c) sales, customs and/or import or export taxes.


  • You will indemnify and hold harmless Muslim and Quran from and against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, suits, liabilities, losses, damages, settlements, penalties, fines, costs or expenses (including solicitor and client costs and expenses (legal or otherwise)), which Muslim and Quran may sustain or incur, directly or indirectly, by reason of Muslim and Quran having made available the App and/or Service to you or having entered into these Terms & Conditions with you or enforcement of Muslim and Quran’s rights under these Terms & Conditions or in acting upon any instructions which you may give in relation to the App or Service or any negligence, fraud and/or misconduct on your part or your breach of these Terms & Conditions.
  • You will cooperate fully in the defence of any allegation or third-party legal proceeding. Muslim and Quran reserves the right to assume the exclusive control and defence of any indemnified matter under this Clause


  • All copyright and other intellectual property and proprietary rights in the content, including but not limited to text, software, code, scripts, webpages, music, sound, photographs, video, graphics, graphical user interface, forms, diagrams or other material contained in the App or Service (“Content”) belong to Muslim and Quran or its licensors unless otherwise indicated.
  • You may access material displayed on the App or through the Service for your non-commercial use only provided that you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, re-post, or use the Content for public or commercial purposes without Muslim and Quran’s prior written permission. The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the App are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Muslim and Quran or where applicable, other third party proprietors. No right or licence is given to any party accessing the App or Service to download, reproduce or use any such Trademarks.


  • Muslim and Quran, in its sole discretion, may with immediate effect upon giving you notice in any of the manners (mail or e-mail) terminate your right to access and use the App and/or the Service and/or invalidate your Username and Password and may bar access to the App (or any part thereof) and/or the Service (or any part thereof) for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation, any breach of these Terms & Conditions.
  • Upon termination of these Terms & Conditions for any reason whatsoever, all rights and/or licences granted to you under these Terms & Conditions shall immediately cease and terminate and you shall stop the access and use of the App and the Service in any way whatsoever.
  • Termination of these Terms & Conditions for any reason shall not affect your obligation to make full payment of any fees payable if such fee has not already been paid.


  • Muslim and Quran may impose such further terms and conditions and make such amendments to these Terms & Conditions as Muslim and Quran may in its discretion deem fit from time to time (including terms or amendments allowing Muslim and Quran to charge or revise fees for the use of the App and/or Service). Muslim and Quran will notify you of such amendments by posting the amendments on the App or such other method of notification as may be designated by Muslim and Quran (such as via email or other forms of electronic communications), which you agree shall be sufficient notice for the purpose of this clause. If you do not agree to be bound by the amendments, you shall immediately cease all access and/or use of the App and Service. You further agree that if you continue to use and/or access the App and/or Service after being notified of such amendments to these Terms & Conditions, such use and/or access shall constitute an affirmative: (i) acknowledgement by you of these Terms & Conditions and its amendments; and (ii) agreement by you to abide and be bound by these Terms & Conditions and its amendments.


  • Muslim and Quran is not responsible for the contents created by the users. All the responsibilities are entirely owned by users. Users warrant that the contents they generate DO NOT contain: A violation of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, confidentiality, publicity, morality, property rights or other rights, Personal contact information for themselves or others, Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age, Another person’s name, likeness or appearance; unless they have that person’s express permission. Defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, immoral, threatening, harassing, hateful or offensive or otherwise unlawful expressions. When users submit content via third party sites such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, their use of those sites are governed by these sites’ terms and conditions and not Muslim and Quran. Be aware that Muslim and Quran has no control over user-generated content once it leaves our app. It is possible that others may duplicate material found on our app, including, but not limited to, on other sites on the Internet or any social media platforms.


  • Subscriptions start when the payment has been confirmed and will continue for that period (monthly, yearly or lifetime). Users might change the auto-renewal preferences from their Apple app store account. All the responsibilities are owned by users about the auto-renew subscriptions. Subscription pricing is subject to change. New pricing takes effect upon renewal of the existing subscription.
  • Subscription will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period unless the users cancel their subscription before the end of the current subscription period.
  • Muslim and Quran offers Trial version for a specified period without payment and requires users’ payment details to start the Trial. After the users agree that, Muslim and Quran automatically begin charging for the subscription on the first day following the end of the trial. If the users do not want this charge, they must cancel the applicable paid subscription before the end of the trial.
  • Muslim and Quran may offer subscription packages to users when they launch the app for the first time, or when users are actively using the app. Subscription offers may be shown to users in a full screen, as in-app-message or through a notification where users have their own preference or consent, to reject or accept the offer. Muslim and Quran and Qibla Finder apps are free to use. Its is never an obligatory to accept any subscription package offers, from any App Stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store or Huawei Mobile Services)
  • Subscription packages include specific features not served to free users. Subscription services and prices could be updated from time to time.


  • Muslim and Quran shall not be liable for any non-performance, error, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations or in the App’s or the Service’s operation, or for any inaccuracy, unreliability or unsuitability of the contents made available through the App or Service if due, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly to an event or failure which is beyond the reasonable control of Muslim & Quran (including natural disasters, epidemics, acts of war or terrorism, acts of any government or authority, power failures, acts or defaults of any telecommunications network operator or carriers or the acts of a party for whom Muslim and Quran is not responsible for).
  • These Terms & Conditions and our relationship is governed by and construed in accordance with applicable laws.
  • You agree and acknowledge that these Terms & Conditions and the Service do not include the provision of Internet access or other telecommunication services by Muslim and Quran. Any Internet access or telecommunications services (such as mobile data connectivity) required by you to access and use the Service shall be your sole responsibility and shall be separately obtained by you, at your own cost, from the appropriate telecommunications or internet access service provider.
  • These Terms & Service is valid for all products and services related to Muslim and Quran App, including 100% Qibla Finder App.
  • Muslim and Quran app is an Islamic app which has different features to help on daily performings of prayers for Muslim people. Muslim and Quran is not affiliated with and does not support any particular political organisation, sect, ideology or denomination.
  • Muslim and Quran is not responsible of the subscription refunds that the user should connect to Apple App Store support. Muslim and Quran is not liable or responsible from unterminated subscriptions by the user.
  • Any breach of the requirements or restrictions in these Terms & Conditions shall result in immediate and automatic termination of all rights and licence granted under the terms of this agreement.

Thank you for your interest in our policy and reading the terms until the end.

For any other concerns and questions, please contact us at salam@muslimandquran.com