Today Prayer Times in Aland Islands

Welcome to Aland Islands prayer times on MuslimandQuran! At M&Q, we strive hard to ensure you're always up-to-date with all the Islamic information you could ever need. So, whether you're looking for accurate prayer times in your location, an online Quran, Hadith book collection, an online tasbih counter, Zakat calculator, or other tools to help you become a better Muslim – Muslim & Quran has it all!

Although Finland has a Muslim population of approximately 2.3%, the Aland Islands, located in the Finnish archipelago, have a rather scarce Muslim population. The Muslim population in Aland Islands is estimated to be less than 0.4% of the total population. Moreover, it can be challenging to find mosques, Islamic educational centers, and halal food outlets, which is why Muslims within the territory may need to travel to Finland to find mosques and halal food.

The Prayer Times webpage on Muslims and the Quran is focused on providing you with regularly updated prayer times in the Aland Islands. Salaat is one of the main pillars of Islam and is, therefore, an integral part of every Muslim's life. So, if, for any reason you're unable to access the prayer times within your location – M&Q is here for you! You can access prayer times for every major or small location in the Aland Islands.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

To access prayer times in the Aland Islands, go to the Muslim and Quran website or app; prayer times for the day's five prayers will be visible on the home page screen. If you wish to see the prayer timings of the entire month, select the "prayer timings" icon from the list of features. If your location is turned on, the web page will automatically show you the prayer times for your exact location. However, in case the location is correct, tap on the "wrong location?" button to reset the location.

Islamic Culture and Heritage in Aland Islands

Although Islam is a minority religion in Finland and the Aland Islands, the constitution grants full freedom of religion, and the Muslim population is free to practice and build mosques within the country. The history of Muslims in the region can be traced back to the Baltic Tatars, who arrived in Finland as merchants and soldiers in the 18th century. They were followers of Sunni Islam and formed the first Islamic congregation – the Finnish Islamic Association, after settling down in the country and being joined by their families. The Baltic Tatars, up until the 1960s, were the only Muslim group in Finland. However, due to the growing refugee population and globalized immigration, the Muslim population has continued to rise. Immigrants and refugees who settled down in the Finnish territory also built their mosques and Islamic societies. Here are some of the closest mosques to the Aland Islands:

Alkhair Mosque:

Alkhair Mosque is a mosque located in the Aland Islands. The mosque was built to cater to the local population of the Island. Located in a simplistic yet gorgeous building, the mosque also has a wheelchair-accessible parking lot. Moreover, the mosque also hosts Eid and Ramadan events where the local Muslim population can get together and socialize.

  • Address: 20 Örtvägen, Mariehamn 22100, Aland Islands
  • Google Maps: Alkhair Mosque

 Turku Mosque:

Turku mosque – although not located within the Aland Islands, is a major mosque within the Finnish city of Turku. It is a not-for-profit organization that, apart from serving as a mosque, also provides services such as weddings to funerals.

  • Address: Turun Islamilainen Yhdyskunta, Yliopistonkatu 7, 20100 Turku, Finland
  • Email:

Islamic Educational Institutes in Aland Islands

Although there aren't any Islamic educational institutes in the Aland Islands, schools that offer Islamic education under the light Quran and Sunnah can be found within the nearby territory of Finland. For instance, Spectrum International School offers a Finnish Islamic kindergarten. Along with offering Islamic education, the school also offers several extracurricular activities to instill values and confidence in children. You can find more details about the kindergarten here.

Connect with the Muslim Community in the Aland Islands

As a Muslim living in the Aland Islands, make sure to get involved with the local Muslim community in the region. You can do this by visiting the local mosque and socializing with the people, especially at events held by the Alkhair mosque on festivals such as Eid. Muslim and Quran will meanwhile be committed to providing you with accurate prayer times and ensuring you stay up-to-date with Islamic information and details!