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Albania is a European country with a rich history and beautiful landscapes. It is a secular country, but Islam is the dominant religion, with 59% of the population identifying as practicing Muslims. Christianity is followed by 38% of the population, while the remaining 3.1% remain undeclared. Islam came in contact with Albania in the 8th century through trade. It was popularized in Albania by the Ottomans in the 15th century. Albania was under Ottoman Empire rule from 1478 until 1912, and a large number of Albanians accepted Islam in the 17th and 18th centuries. Albanian Muslims occupied prominent military and political positions in the Ottoman Empire.
Later, in the 20th century, the Albanian government followed an aggressive secularization policy. All religious practices were greatly de-emphasized. In 1991, colonialism and state sponsored secularization ended in Albania, prompting organizations to rebuild religious infrastructure for the revival of religions in Albania. Today, there are around 1.8 million Muslims in the country, making up almost 59% of the total population of Albania. Nearly 1 million Christians and 73 thousand atheists are the two other major representative population groups in Albania. A few popular cities of Albania where Muslims are present in the majority are:
Tirana is the capital of Albania and home to diverse religious groups, including a large population of Muslims. It is famous for its architecture and many attractions that take us back to the era of Ottoman Empire rule in Albania. Et’hem Bej Mosque is a famous masjid in the city which got closed under the rule of communists but reopened in 1991 for worship again.
Korce is home to 76 thousand people, most of them are Muslims and Christians. The city is surrounded by mountains. It’s famous for its core area the Old Bazaar and Mirahori Mosque, founded by Ottoman Albanian in the 15th century.
Berat is known as the ‘City of a Thousand Windows’ and is considered a UNESCO Heritage Site as it has a number of preserved Ottoman architecture and some great scenic views of the Osum River valley. King mosque, also known as Sultan’s Mosque, is one of the heritage sites and cultural monuments of the city.
Since Islam is a dominant religion in the country, Albania has many organizations working for the benefit of Muslims in Albania and around the world. Islamic Relief is a popular name when it comes to relief work in Muslim countries. It is operational in Albania and holds the hands of their Muslim brothers in challenging situations. Another famous organization working in Albania is the Muslim Community of Albania. It is a religious organization formed in February 1923, supervised by Grand Mufti Bujar Spahiu.
Albania has a majority Muslim population, so Halal dining options in its big cities are common. But it’s always the best option to look out for Halal certificates before purchasing your food. You will mostly find Albanian local cuisine, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Cuisines. Here are some famous Halal dining options in Tirana, the capital city of Albania:
Islamic education is offered in Madrasas throughout Albania, but when it comes to degrees, a renowned university known as Beder University College has Islamic studies as part of its curriculum. Beder University College was inaugurated in 2011 with the decision of the Muslim Community of Albania and Council Ministers. It is one of the biggest universities in the country for higher education. It offers degrees in many disciplines, including Islamic Sciences, Religious Studies, and other modern disciplines. is your ultimate resource for Islamic information, serving as a gateway to your enhanced Islamic knowledge and education. Always stay updated with the latest prayer times in Albania with our app, and never miss your salah ever again. We encourage you to join local prayer groups, visit mosques and community centers, and participate in gatherings where you can learn more about the people of Albania and how they practice Islam. Learning and connecting with your brothers not only builds brotherhood but also strengthens your faith and deepens your understanding of the religion.
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