Find prayer times for all locations in Belarus. Our mission at Muslim and Quran is to help you find the correct prayer times for your location in Belarus or anywhere in the world. Prayer (Salah) is one of the five essentials of Islam. Reciting five daily regular prayers is mandatory. The time slots of these prayers are specified in Islamic teachings. Accordingly, Fajr is performed before sunrise; Dhuhr is offered in the early afternoon, whereas Asr is to be recited late afternoon. Similarly, the Maghrib prayer is immediately after sunset, and Isha is recited at night. Based on these rulings, the exact timings of each prayer are calculated according to the geographic location and positioning of the Sun for each city. Here, you can find the accurate timings of all five regular daily prayers for your current location so you can fulfill your religious obligations smoothly.
The Muslim and Quran website and mobile application provides accurate prayer times for all locations in Belarus. To get access to the updated daily prayer times for your current location, you need to enable the auto detect current location option on your mobile phone or laptop. Additionally, you can explore the accurate prayer timings for any of your preferred locations by choosing the city listed on this page. Prayer timings are uploaded on our website and mobile application after being verified for accuracy strictly per the parameters defined by Islamic scholars. Additionally, a dedicated team of experts cross-checks and reconfirms the timings for each location.
Belarus is situated in the East Europe region. It is a landlocked country, with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia being its neighboring Countries. Belarus came under Islamic influence in the 14 Century through an invasion by Tatars. The Muslim population rose to around 100,000 by the 16th Century. However, after the inclusion of this region in the then USSR, most Muslims left Belarus and settled in different regions of the Ottoman Empire. After the collapse of the USSR, Belarus emerged as an independent state. However, the Muslim population had reduced considerably by that time. Currently, around 45,000 Muslims are living in different parts of Belarus, constituting around 0.5% of the total population. The majority of the Muslim population lives in the western region of Belarus. Most of the Muslim population of Belarus belongs to Tatars. Muslims are represented by small communities within Belarus. At present, there are 24 officially registered Muslim Communities. Out of these, 19 belong to the Western parts of the Country.
The constitution of Belarus provides religious freedom for everyone. Hence, Muslims have every opportunity to grow in this country. Even though Muslims are merely 0.5% of the total population of Belarus, they still have 24 registered communities. Interestingly, Belarus happens to be the only Country in the entire Europe where a journalist was sentenced to three years of imprisonment on the charges of Blasphemy in January 2008. He was the editor of a local newspaper and published the Blasphemous Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Islamic Culture flourished from the 13th to the 16th Century. Historically, a Mosque was constructed in Minsk, the Capital of Belarus, from 1900 to 1902. This mosque was destroyed in 1962, and its replica was built in 2016. Currently, there are nine Mosques in different cities of Belarus, such as Minsk and Kletsk in the Minsk Region, Smilavičy, Iŭje, Slonim, and Navahrudak in the Grodno Region, and Vildzy in the Vitebsk Region.
Apart from Mosques, Islamic cultural heritage is also reflected in various cemeteries, especially the Tatar cemetery in Belarus. Additionally, 200 monuments of Tatar book culture are officially registered in the libraries and museums in Belarus. In 2019 the Government of Belarus organized an International Conference on Muslim Heritage Central Europe in collaboration and assistance of UNESCO.