Welcome to the Prayer Times page of MuslimandQuran. You can explore today's prayer times in different locations in Bermuda in this section of our website. MuslimandQuran is the most authentic and reliable website, where the users can view correct and authentic information on prayer times in their current location so they may fulfill their religious obligation of offering five daily prayers at the right times. Apart from the current location, you can also find the correct prayer times of any other preferred locations in Bermuda.
Offering prayers is one of the five pillars of Islam. The time slot for each of the five daily prayers is specifically defined in Islam. Accordingly, Fajr is performed before sunrise, Dhuhr in the afternoon, and Asr in the late afternoon. Similarly, the time for Maghrib prayer starts immediately after the sunset. Isha can be recited during the night but before midnight. Considering these specifications, the exact timings of each prayer for a particular location are worked out based on the positioning of the Sun and the geographic location of that city.
At MuslimandQuran, you can find the precisely calculated timings of the five compulsory prayers in all locations of Bermuda, including your current location.
The official Website and mobile application of MuslimandQuran offers correct Prayer times for all the locations in Bermuda. To get the correct prayer timings for our current location, enable the auto-detect location feature on your laptop or mobile device. Accurate prayer times for any other location in your country are also available here, which can be accessed by selecting the city listed on this page.
Prayer timings are uploaded on our website and mobile application, after verifying their accuracy, strictly per the parameters defined in the Islamic rulings. Additionally, these timings are re-validated and checked by a team of qualified experts so you may fulfill your religious duties without any doubt or confusion.
Bermuda is a self-governed British Overseas Territory. It is situated in the North Atlantic Sea. Bermuda is an Archipelago and comprises of 181 islands. It's a small country having just 54 square kilometers of land area and a population of around 63,900. It is predominantly a Christian Country with 46.2% of people following Christianity. Islam is a minority religion in Bermuda, with less than 1,000 Muslims, which is less than 0.8% of the total population.
The majority of these Muslims reside in Hamilton, the Capital of Bermuda. Most of the Muslims are of local Afro-Bermudian background. The local Muslim community has established Bermuda Islamic Cultural in Hamilton. In 1975 a Mosque named, Muhammad Mosque was established in Hamilton. It is established in a building comprising four floors. The Mosque building is constructed on a piece of land comprising 3,772 m2. The total floor space of Muhammad Mosque is 669 m2. The Mosque has a prayer hall, the office of the Imam, and a school. There's also another mosque in Hamilton City named Masjid Quba.
The Islamic culture and heritage in Bermuda dates back to the era of slavery. Thousands of African Muslims were brought to the Atlantic region as slaves. The same happened with Bermuda. Bermudian Muslims are historically and culturally affiliated with Islam owing to their ancestral background. Some of them were forced to quit Islam. During the recent past, especially after establishing the Muhammad Mosque in 1975, quite a few of them reverted to Islam. Despite being a small minority community, the Muslims of Bermuda have a strong affiliation with the Islamic culture, which is reflected in the establishment of the Muhammad Mosque and Islamic Cultural Center of Bermuda.
The Mosques and Islamic Cultural Center play a leading role in the performance of religious activities by the Muslims of Bermuda. Some of the major Islamic religious activities, like Ramadan Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, are managed and organized by the mosque and the Islamic Cultural Center. Special Eid Prayers are managed in the Muhammad Mosque. Sacrificing animals of Eid Al-Adha is also managed by the local Muslims despite being a minority.