Today Prayer Times in Bhutan

Welcome to MuslimandQuran prayer times section. Here, you find today's prayer times in different locations of Bhutan. MuslimandQuran is the most authentic and reliable website where you can search for correct and genuine information on prayer times for your current location, which may help you fulfill the religious obligation of offering five regular daily prayers at the proper times. You can also find the accurate prayer times of any other location in Bhutan besides your current location.

Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. The timings for each of the five daily prayers are defined explicitly in Islam. Fajr is performed before sunrise, Dhuhr in the afternoon, and Asr in the late afternoon. Maghrib prayer can be recited immediately after the sunset, whereas Isha is recited during the night but before midnight. Considering these slots, the exact timings of each prayer are determined based on the positioning of the Sun and the geographic location of a city or area.

At MuslimandQuran, you can find the precisely calculated timings of the five compulsory prayers in all the locations of Bhutan, including your current location.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with MuslimandQuran

The website and mobile application of MuslimandQuran provide the correct prayer times for all the locations in Bhutan. You must enable the auto-detect location feature on your laptop or mobile device to get the correct prayer timings for your current location. Accurate prayer times for any other location in your country can also searched by selecting the city listed on this page.

After verifying their accuracy, prayer timings are uploaded on our website and mobile application, strictly per the parameters defined in the Islamic rulings. Additionally, these timings are re-confirmed and checked by a dedicated team of qualified experts so you may fulfill your religious duties without doubt or confusion.

Bhutan Cities with Muslim Population

Bhutan, officially known as the Kingdom of Bhutan, is situated in the Eastern Himalayas. It is a small and landlocked country with China on its north and India on its south. Out of the total population of more than 792,000, 84% follow Buddhism, which is also the official Religion of the country. According to the latest statistics, around 7000 Muslims live in Bhutan, which is less than 1% of the total population.

Most of the Muslim population is concentrated in the Capital City of Thimphu. But Islam has no official recognition as a religion in Bhutan. Despite the constitutional assurance of freedom for all religions, Bhutan is not a friendly country for the followers of any other religion except Buddhism.

Islamic Culture and Heritage in Bhutan

Bhutan is a Buddhist Country with more than 84% of people following Buddhism and 11% being Hindus. There are no footprints of Islamic heritage and Culture in Bhutan. This also happens to be one of the three countries in the world where no Mosque is available, the other two being Monaco and Slovakia.

However, there is a room dedicated to worship. It comprises four sections, each dedicated to Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians. It is situated in a small town named Jakar, Bumthang. The other option for Muslims is to offer prayers in their homes. Travelers can also perform prayers inside their hotel rooms.The nearest Mosque is situated in a village, Jaigaon, on the Bhutan-India Border. The Mosque is known as Jaigaon Mosque. It was established in 2008. However, practically, it is not situated inside Bhutan.

Halal Dining and Food Options in Bhutan

No formal Halal Food option is available in Bhutan. No restaurants or stores specifically offer halal foods anywhere in Bhutan. Bhutanese are mostly vegetarians. Additionally, there are many restaurants that do not serve Pork. So, that is the only option for Muslims to visit any such restaurant that serves vegetable-based food and is free from Pork. The other option is to cook your own food in your home.