Welcome to MuslimandQuran! With our updated and accurate prayer schedule, you can always pray on time when in Burundi or any other East African country. Burundi has a small but essential Muslim presence. The Muslim and Quran website aims to help Burundi Muslims stay updated about prayer times in every city. As of 2024, Muslims make up 2-5% of the population. They mostly reside in urban locations, especially in areas like Bujumbura, Gitega, Byanza, and Rumonge. The majority of Burundi Muslims are Sunni, with some being Ibadi and Shia.
Whether you’re visiting Burundi or living there, it might not be easy to figure out prayer timings. Muslim and Quran app is there to help you be on time. Whether it’s the early morning Fajr prayer or Asr prayers during rush hour, we’ve got your back!
Here’s what you can expect from our website and app:
Several Burundi cities have a strong Muslim community presence. Some of these include:
Are you a visitor or resident in any of these cities? No matter what Burundi city you’re in, the Muslim and Quran app has you covered! Get accurate prayer times and stay connected to your faith.
Burundi is officially a secular republic, but Muslim festivals are still celebrated. Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are national holidays alongside Christian holidays. Overall, Burundi is a country that allows complete religious freedom. It’s even more important to know the updated prayer times during Islamic festivals. Stay connected and updated in Burundi through the Quran and Muslim app!
If you’re currently in Burundi, consider connecting with the Muslim communities there. These efforts may include:
Being in Burundi can be a fun and informative experience, but you don’t want to miss out on any prayer! While exploring the area, make sure to bookmark our prayer timing page to stay updated.
At Muslim and Quran, our efforts are designed to help online users who are traveling or not familiar with a new area. If you aren’t aware of the latest prayer timings, our app will be sure to help you out! Check out the Islamic prayer times in Burundi on our online pages and mobile application. We’ve covered every city, large or small, so you won’t miss a single prayer. Stay connected to your faith no matter where you live or travel!