At Muslim and Quran, we strive hard to ensure you have access to every reliable and accurate piece of information related to Islam, including authentic prayer times for any location in the world. Whether you're traveling to Czechia (formerly Czech Republic) or have recently moved to the country – our prayer time information webpage provides you with all the information you need to practice Islam in Czechia! The Muslim community in Czechia is rather small as Islam is a minority religion, with only 0.2% of the country's population comprising Muslims. It may be challenging for Muslims to live in the country due to its low Muslim population and lack of Muslim spaces. With Muslim and Quran, you never have to miss out on any prayer as you can book the prayer timing schedule on your laptop or smartphone with ease and also get notifications to remind you of your prayer in real-time!
To access prayer timings on Muslim and Quran, open our website or application, go to the homepage, click on the "prayer times" section and you will be directed to a webpage displaying the prayer times for your current location. In case your location is incorrect, you can correct it by tapping on the "wrong location" link displayed on the right corner of the page. All prayer timings mentioned on the Muslim and Quran prayer timings webpage are updated regularly and are accurate.
A rough estimate of the population reveals that there are 20,000 Muslims in Czechia, previously the Czech Republic. It has been reported that most of these Muslims are Arabs who moved to the country in pursuit of education in the 1970s and 1980s from countries such as Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and other countries. However, Turkish Muslims are also common. There are many Turks in Czechia who migrated to the country along with the growing Czech-born community with partial or full Turkish origins. It is, however, uncertain how many of these people would identify as practicing Muslims.
Since Muslims in Czechia are an explored minority group, it is uncertain which cities in the country host the highest number of Muslims. However, mosques are located in Prague, Brno, and Karlovy Vary. Muslims are free to perform their religious duties in Czechia within their mosques and actively continue to do so. Whether it's for Eid prayers or Taraweeh during the holy month of Ramadan – Muslims gather in the mosques to pray freely.
Due to Muslims being such a minority, Islam cannot be seen in the overall culture of the social fabric of the country unless you're around the small Muslim communities in the Republic. However, Islamic heritage goes way back in Czechia. The first documented encounter of Islam with Czechia is reported to be in 964. Also, during the sieges of Vienna, Akinji (the reconnaissance war party of the Ottoman army) reached Moravia. However, the overall influence of Islam on the Republic has been limited.
Islam was officially recognized as a state religion in 1912 by law, with the first mosque being opened in the country in 1998. There have been attempts by Muslims living in the country to build more mosques apart from the three currently present. However, they have been met with constant resistance from the locals. It was in 2004 that Islam was officially registered in the country, making the Muslim community in the country to be eligible to obtain funds from the state if in need. Here are some of the most popular mosques in Czechia:
Looking to dig into some delicious halal food while in Czechia? There are diverse food options you can consider on your night out:
Who can reject some delicious Middle Eastern food? We all love a falafel and some hummus! Jaffa restaurant has some amazing options for you to munch on!
Delight your taste buds with some delicious and flavorful Asian/Desi food by visiting the Pind!
Although small, the Muslim community in Czechia is still vibrant and friendly, with a blend of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Although you may not come across fellow Muslims as easily as you might think, it's still not impossible – to connect with your nearby fellow Muslims, make sure you pay a visit to your nearby mosques regularly and socialize with the worshippers present. Muslim and Quran will meanwhile continue to bring you all the authentic and reliable Islamic information you could ever need!