At Muslim and Quran, we bring you reliable and authentic Islamic information. Irrespective of your city, Muslim and Quran is committed to bringing you updated and accurate prayer times for every city in Denmark. With us, you never have to miss a prayer, as you can also bookmark our prayer times webpage on your laptop or turn on notifications for your smartphone so you are reminded to offer your prayers in real time!
To access accurate prayer times with Muslim and Quran, go to our website or application home page, click on the "prayer times" section, and you will be directed to a webpage displaying prayer times for your current location. If your location is incorrect, you can change it by tapping on the "wrong location?" link on the right corner of the page and setting it to the correct location. Prayer timings for every city on Muslim and Quran are accurate and up-to-date.
Although Islam is a minority religion in Denmark – Muslims account for 5.1% of the country's overall population, with an estimate of approximately 300,000 Muslims present in the country. The figure has been increasing significantly over the last few decades due to immigration waves and asylum seekers moving to Denmark. Asylum seekers reportedly make up 40% of the Danish Muslim population.
The majority of the Muslims in Denmark identify as Sunni Muslims, followed by a sizeable Shia minority. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution of Denmark, and irrespective of Islam being a minority religion, Denmark can be regarded as a safe country for Muslims. The Muslims in Denmark compromise diverse ethnic and national backgrounds – especially due to the majority of Muslims moving from different countries around the world to Denmark.
The Muslim population across Denmark is also highly ethnically diverse. The Danish Broadcast Corporation reported in 2008 that Danish Turks accounted for 70,000 out of the total 2000,000 Muslims living in the country at the time. Although the Muslim population is distributed unevenly across Denmark, the majority reside in the major cities. Approximately 47.4% of the Muslims live in Greater Copenhagen, 9.4% in Aarhus, and 5.5% in Odense.
Other groups include Iraqis, Lebanese, Pakistanis, Somalis, and Afghans due to the heavy immigration to Denmark. Muslim and Quran brings you prayer timings for every city across Denmark so you never have to miss out on your prayers!
Being the country's largest minority religion with a diverse Muslim population, Islam can be found within the country's social fabric – for instance, Denmark is home to around 170 mosques – a testament to the country's growing Muslim population.
The presence of Islam in Denmark can be traced back to the encounters between Denmark and the Muslim world during the Middle Ages when the Danish military participated in the Crusades to take over Jerusalem from Muslim rule, according to the Danish historian Jørgen Bæk Simonsen. However, the presence of Muslims in the country grew particularly high when, due to the expansion of Denmark's post-war economy in the 1950s – 1960s, a large population of Muslims from the Muslim world immigrated to Denmark. These immigrants mostly belonged to Yugoslavia, Turkey, Pakistan, and North Africa.
The first female-run mosque was built in Denmark in 2016, founded by Sherin Khankan – the mosque only has female imams. The mosque is called Mariam Mosque in Copenhagen. The mosque welcomes male and female worshippers to offer all prayers except for the Friday/Jummah prayers, which are only open to women. However, in 2018, the Danish government adopted a law that banned niqabs and burqas or any "attire or clothing masking the face to impair recognizability."
Apart from the ban on niqab and burqa, Muslims in Denmark enjoy the right to build mosques and practice their faith freely within the country. Some of the most popular mosques in the country are as follows:
Our prayer times webpages focus on providing you with accurate prayer times irrespective of your location along with other helpful tips you could need as a Muslim in your current location – whether it's halal dining options or popular mosques – Muslim and Quran has your back. If you're in the mood to dine out today, Denmark has diverse cuisine options you can try. Some of these are:
Treat yourself to some delicious and flavorful Indian food by visiting Al Diwan.
Liban Cuisine offers delicious Lebanese, Middle Eastern, and Fast Food options so you have a wide range of halal food to try!
Treat your taste buds to some delicious Arabic cuisine and visit AHAA!
Moving to a non-Muslim country can be challenging due to the new environment and atmosphere. However, connecting with your fellow believers can help you adjust faster and make you feel more at home. Make sure to seek out local Muslims within your city by visiting nearby mosques and Islamic cultural centers and socializing with the Muslims present.
Muslim and Quran will continue to bring forth reliable and authentic Islamic information to you! Download the Muslim and Quran app to get notifications for your prayer times on your smartphones to stay updated even on the go!