Today Prayer Times in Eswatini

Muslims around the world perform obligatory prayers five times a day, and prayer is considered to be an important pillar of Islam. This page will provide an accurate overview of the Islamic prayer times in Eswatini, from Fajr to Isha.

Even though most of the people living in Eswatini are Christians, a small percentage, notably 2% of the population, are Muslims. There are many places of worship built for Muslims, where they host religious events and sermons, but one of the most popular ones is the Ezulwini Mosque, located in the city of Lobahma.

If you are interested in knowing more about Islamic prayer times in Eswatini, this page will cover everything you need to know, and you can save it for later use as well.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

In order to stay up to date with Islamic prayer times in Eswatini, you can download the Muslim and Quran app on your Android and iOS devices, or you can use the Muslim and Quran website to view these prayer Timings. The information available on the app and the website is easily accessible and reliable, which will allow you to stay updated with the changing prayer timings. Furthermore, the app and the website provide a list of various countries, and if you want to view Islamic prayer times in Eswatini, all you will have to do is find your country in the list, and this will take you to all the cities, from which you can choose the one you want to view.


Islamic Community Services and Organizations in Eswatini

Despite being a minority, Muslims in Eswatini have built various Islamic buildings and organizations that spread the message of Islam and allow Muslims to host religious events. There is a Swaziland Islamic Centre in the city of Lobahma where Muslims conduct cultural meetings. Additionally, there are many mosques in Eswatini, such as Masjid Ezulwini, which is located in Lobahma, and Masjid-e-Yusuf Mbabane, which is located in the city of Mbabane. Also, there is an Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Swaziland for the Ahmadiyya community living in Eswatini.

Halal Dining and Food Options in Eswatini

Eswatini has many Halal restaurants that allow Muslims living in the country to enjoy tasty and delicious meals at an affordable rate. The Tandoori restaurant located in Mbabane has many culinary offerings and serves Indian food. Another restaurant worth exploring would be Curry Express Restaurant, which is also an Indian restaurant located in Mbabane and serves many Halal dishes. The eDladleni Restaurant, located in Swaziland, also serves organic food, with a wide variety of options to choose from. This restaurant is also popular in Eswatini, and Muslims prefer to dine here.