Islamic Prayer Times in Ghana

Welcome to Ghana Prayer Times at We bring you accurate Islamic Prayer Times in Ghana so you can plan your day according to the prayer timings and never miss your salah. Every Muslim adult must pray five times a day at the right time. The prayer time begins soon after Adhaan is called, and the MuslimandQuran not only brings you the Adhaan time but also notifies you when it is called.

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Alternatively, you can access our website MuslimandQuran, click Prayer Times from the menu bar, go to Country Listing to select your desired country, and choose your city. An easy way is to keep your location accessible, and when you click on the prayer Times on the menu bar, you will be automatically directed to your city’s page.

Ghana Cities with Muslim Population 

The Republic of Ghana is a West African country with around 32 million people. It is the second most populated country in the African continent. Ghana is a Christian-dominant country but has a large population of Muslims living. Out of 32 million people, 71% are Christians, while a good 20% are Muslims.

Muslims are scattered across Ghana, but few cities have many Muslims living as communities. Accra, Kumasi, Tamale, Tema, Sekondi-Takoradi, Sunyani, Wa, and Bolgatanga are a few cities of Ghana where the Muslims live in the majority and even have mosques for their worship. 

Accra is the capital of Ghana, while Kumasi is the second largest city in the country. Both have a diverse culture, and Muslims live in large numbers. Accra has the second largest mosque in West Africa, known as Ghana National Mosque. 

Islamic Culture and Heritage in Ghana

Islam was introduced in Ghana by the Arab traders. Islam was the first Abrahamic religion in the country and has been present since the 10th century. It is now the second most widely practiced religion in Ghana. 

Despite the differences in religion, Muslims and Christians in Ghana live in harmony. Muslims are categorized into three groups: Sunni 51%, Shia 8%, and Ahmadiyya 16%. Ghana has the second largest mosque in its capital city of Accra - Ghana National Mosque. It was backed by the Turkish government costing $10 million. It has a residence for the Imam, a school providing Islamic education, and a library with religious books. The National Chief Imam of Ghana is the highest authority that looks after Muslim affairs within the country.   

Islamic Community Services and Organizations in Ghana

Ghana has several organizations working for the betterment of Muslims of Ghana and looking after their different matters. A few of the prominent names are:

  • Muslim Representative Council: It looks after the harmony of Muslims with the Christian community. It also manages issues related to religion, society, and the economy for Muslims, addressing concerns through negotiations. 
  • The National Hajj Council: Hajj is a Holy pilgrimage every year, and thousands of people travel to Makkah from everywhere. The National Hajj Council was established to arrange pilgrimages to Makkah for the Muslims who can afford to perform Hajj from Ghana.
  • Ghana Muslim Mission: It is a charitable organization in Ghana involved in the developmental activities for the Muslim communities. It aims to improve the living standards of Muslims in the country.

Islamic Festivals and Events in Ghana

Muslims of Ghana celebrate all the Islamic festivals with passion. Their Islamic New Year starts from the 1st Muharram, followed by observing Ashura on the 10th. On the 12th of Rabi Al-Awal, they celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). 

Muslims of Ghana fast for Ramadan and arrange Iftar and Taraweeh in Masjids for the surrounding communities. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated across Ghana upon sighting the moon of Shawaal. On the 10th of Dhul Al-Hijjah, the Muslim community celebrates Eid-ul-Adha, where they sacrifice animals, distribute the meat among their loved ones, and donate to the less fortunate people around. 

Halal Dining and Food Options in Ghana

Halal food options are available in Ghana and almost every city. You can find abundant halal options in most Muslim communities' cities. All sorts of local and international cuisines are available, including Indian, Turkish, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines. 

Accra, being the capital, has a huge list of Halal restaurants. A few of the famous names are:

  • Planet Kebab (Fast Food, Turkish)
  • Veda Authentic Indian Restaurant (Indian, Asian)
  • Bosphorus Accra (Turkish, Middle Eastern)
  • Chatkhara Lounge (Indian, Asian)
  • DNR Turkish Restaurant (Turkish, Grill)
  • Tandoor Indian Restaurant (Indian, Asian)
  • Heritage Indian Restaurant (Indian, Asian)

It's best to look for a Halal Certificate with any outlet you dine in to ensure the food served is prepared according to the Halal laws and regulations taught by Islam. 

Connect with the Muslim Community in Ghana

Connect with the diverse Muslim community of Ghana and learn about their cultural and traditional differences. Join them in the festivals or spend time on large gatherings like iftar. Engage and strengthen your bond with the brothers of the same belief.

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