Are you searching for an authentic source that can provide you with accurate prayer times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha in Grenada? If yes, you are at the right place! Muslim and Quran is your one-stop source for reliable prayer timings in any country of the world, including Grenada. Find salah times for your city in Grenada with complete details of Fajr time, Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, and Isha time. Bookmark the prayer time schedule on your laptop or smartphone to get timely prayer time notifications!
You can find prayer times for your location in Grenada in the following two ways:
Prayer times on M&Q are available for cities worldwide using authentic data from the local meteorological department. You can also access the blessed Quran, hadith collection, daily tasbihat, and other features with the Muslim and Quran website and application.
Although Grenada is a secular country, with the majority of its population being Christian, 0.75% of the country’s citizens are Muslims. This amounts to around 1500 Muslim residents in Grenada. These Muslims enjoy a close relationship with the Trinidadian Muslims. Since Muslims are a minority on the Caribbean Island, there are few Islamic elements within the country’s social and cultural landscape. However, the island has two mosques that Muslims visit regularly to offer their daily and Jummah prayers in congregation. Masjid Ahlas Sunnah is the more popular mosque of the two.
Unfortunately, there is little to no information available about halal food and dining options in Grenada. However, since it is a non-Muslim country with Islam as a minority religion, be careful about what you consume, as the majority of the food is likely not to be halal. Make sure to ask the locals about the food and if you can’t, only eat vegetarian options!
Since Grenada’s Muslim population only amounts to 0.75%, it may be hard to come across any Muslims, irrespective of where you’re staying. Whether you’re staying on the island temporarily or are moving for the long haul, the best place to connect with fellow Muslims is to visit the mosque in the area regularly for your five obligatory prayers. This way, you can meet and connect with many local Muslims.