Find the most updated prayer times in Hungary with With us, you never have to worry about missing or delaying your salah ever again. You can access the right salah time in your city from the Muslim and Quran website and app from anywhere in the world. Get Adhan alters and prayer times of Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha for your location.
With Muslim and Quran you will find the most accurate Prayer times in Hungary, so you never have to miss any prayer. Download our app for iOS and Android to get an accurate schedule of daily prayers wherever you are. Keep your location active while accessing the app and website to see the prayer times in your location. Alternatively, you can always access the location manually. From our homepage, select Country Listing, then select Hungary, and finally, your city in Hungary. Our app provides prayer times alerts for the 5 daily prayers. Enable the salat times notification for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha to get timely reminders.
Hungary is a central European country surrounded by Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria. Hungary is famous for its fascinating landscapes, and it is a country with natural resources. It has a total population of around 10 million, with 85% of the population practicing Christianity as their religion. Islam is a minority religion in Hungary with approximately 0.5% of the population practicing it. Most of the Muslims belong to Arab and Turkish backgrounds, and there are also many converted Hungarian Muslims. In Hungary, Muslims live in small communities in these big cities;
Budapest is the capital of Hungary and in ninth position as being the largest city in Europe. Budapest is a diverse city in terms of ethnic groups and religion. It is a major urban center with a total population of more than 3 million. Most of the Muslims live here, and there are also mosques to cater to their religious needs. Budapest Mosque is the central and the biggest mosque in the city serving the Muslim community.
Pecs is an old city that was under the Romans in ancient times. Pecs is close to the borders of Croatia and is the fifth-largest city in Hungary. 0.1% of its population are Muslims, and they live in a small community.
Debrecen is in the east of Hungary and was the largest city back in the 18th century. It is the most important cultural center in Hungary. Debrecen Mosque is the central mosque serving the Muslim community for their religious needs.
Szeged is the third largest city in Hungary and is famous for a prestigious Hungarian institution, the University of Szeged. The university also has an Islamic Society, as there are many Muslim students studying and residing there. Mosque Szeged and Makkah Mosques serve as the religious centers for the Muslims in Szeged.
The Muslims live as a minority in Hungary, and there are approximately 6 thousand Muslims living in different cities of Hungary. Many international organizations like Islamic Relief work in Hungary, but there are also some Islamic local organizations working for the well-being of Hungarian Muslims. The Organization of Muslims in Hungary is the main organization serving the religious needs of Hungarian Muslims. Its role is to encourage interfaith dialogues, provide a place for daily salah, spread Islamic teachings, provide a platform for charity, and work hard to fight against Islamophobia.
Finding Halal food might be a challenge, but the big cities, especially the capital city of Budapest, have a variety of cuisines that serve Halal. Here are a few famous names in Budapest:
Muslim and Quran keep you connected to your salah despite your location. With our accurate prayer timings, there is no fear of delaying or missing the salah. While keeping you firm in your prayers, our goal is to help you strengthen your knowledge and understanding of Islam. You can find a wealth of Islamic educational resources on our website and app, no matter where you are in the world.
We encourage you to build strong bonds with your Muslim brothers in Hungary, learn about their struggles in staying firm on their religion, and see their way of practicing Islam based on their culture. Join them during daily or Jum’uah prayers, festival celebrations, or any volunteer work, and work together towards spreading the religion of peace.