Welcome to the Prayer Times in Indonesia webpage! This is your reliable and updated source of Salah timings for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayer for any city in Indonesia. These timings are automatically updated according to geographical location, so you're always notified of the correct timings and don't have to worry about missing an obligatory prayer!
As of 2018, Indonesia has the highest population of Muslims for a Muslim-majority country, with approximately 231 million residents. A {Year} Pew Research Center report shows an even higher percentage – 93 percent – of Indonesians identifying as Muslims. To receive notifications for prayer times five times a day, bookmark the Prayer Timings Schedule on your laptop or mobile phone.
The Prayer (Salah) Times in Indonesia Page is your reliable guide for prayer times for all cities in Indonesia. Whether browsing MuslimandQuran.com on your laptop or using the Muslim and Quran app, you can access current prayer times for all five prayers and a countdown to the forthcoming Salah. You can also download the Prayer Schedule for the entire Islamic year to stay updated all year round.
Local and international community service organizations in Indonesia are supporting and boosting underprivileged Muslim populations in the country and around the world. Two of them are:
In 2011, the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Indonesia were of the Sunni denomination, i.e., almost 99 percent, which is still the current case. The remaining 1 percent of Muslims are Shi'ites concentrated around Jakarta and Ahmadi Muslims. Regarding schools of thought, 99 percent of Indonesian Muslims follow the Shafi'i school, while many do not adhere to specific jurisprudence.
Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia offer degrees, short courses, lectures, etc., to propagate knowledge and research about Islam and its society. Two such institutions are:
Never miss an obligatory Salah with the Muslim and Quran Indonesia Prayer Timings Page again. You'll receive reliable and updated prayer times wherever you are in the country. As part of our vision, we encourage you to join your local prayer group, community centers, and religious gatherings and help connect Muslims through our digital Islamic platform. We aim to provide the global Muslim community access to Islamic information and education. Please help us spread knowledge about Islam!