Today Prayer Times in Kiribati

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As Muslims, we know how important prayers are in our lives. It is the second pillar of Islam, and praying 5 times a day is mandatory for every Muslim adult. People often find it difficult to plan their day around, especially while traveling to another country, as they are unaware of accurate prayer timings in the new country. We at bring you accurate timings for every prayer wherever you go. We also provide prayer timings for places where the Muslim population is in the minority. On this page, you can find the most precise Islamic Prayer Times in Kiribati so you may manage your day according to the salah timings. We cover every city in Kiribati to help our Kiribati residents and travelers stay connected to their obligations. 

A small island in the Pacific, known as Kiribati, is a secular country, with only 128,874 thousand of the population, according to the 2021 census. Out of these, only 0.1% are Muslims, the majority being Christians. 

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran 

At, we bring you the most precise times to offer your prayers. We aim to strengthen your faith and keep you connected with your religion. By providing accurate prayer times, we support you in planning your day accordingly so you don't miss any prayers.

Offering prayer is compulsory for us, and leaving even a single one is forbidden in Islam. By knowing the exact time for your daily prayers, you know when to offer your it without any delays and manage your day by keeping your prayers intact. We have designed this page considering the convenience of our visitors. On this page, you can find the most accurate Islamic Prayer Times in Kiribati and also learn about Muslims and the Islamic way of life in the region.

Kiribati Cities with Muslim Population 

Kiribati country is formed from 33 Islands. These islands consist of small areas but are scattered widely. 90% of the population in Kiribati lives on the atolls of 16 Gilbert Islands. The Muslims also live the same way, practicing their religion in this secular country. 

Islamic Culture and Heritage in Kiribati

Islam is not a dominant religion in Kiribati. The Muslims living in the region are mostly immigrants. Islam was first introduced in 1985 by a British Ahmadi Muslim with a background from Pakistan. There is only one mosque on the entire island, called the Tuvalu Mosque, built in 1991.  

Halal Dining and Food Options in Kiribati

Kiribati is a Christian-dominant country, and it's very difficult to locate halal food options. The traditional diet of Kiribati includes fish, coconut, and breadfruit, which can be said to be halal if prepared without haram ingredients. To see if the food is halal, check its preparation process and the ingredients used for preparation. Take help from the locals to know where to find halal food options.

Connect with the Muslim Community in Kiribati

Living on an island in a minority must be challenging. Connect with the local Muslims of Kiribati to know more about their differences in the traditions, culture, and practice of Islam. We at guide you on your spiritual journey. Our aim is to support our Muslim fellows with the right guidance of Islam and provide them with Islamic teaching resources. Learning the teachings of Islam and getting connected with the local Muslims of the country can surely be a very rewarding experience.