Today Prayer Times in Kuwait

Are you searching for accurate prayer times in Kuwait? If yes, you are at the right place! We help our visitors stay firm on their faith by providing the most up-to-date Islamic prayer times in Kuwait so you can work or travel without missing any prayer. You can bookmark your city's prayer time page on the Muslim and Quran website to avoid the hassle of starting a fresh search for every prayer! You will find daily salah times for all 5 prayers anywhere in Kuwait, so no matter where you are in the region, you know when to offer your prayers. 

Kuwait is an Islamic country with a total population of 4.3 million people, out of which more than 1.5 million are Kuwaiti Muslims, while the rest are immigrant Muslims. Islam is the official religion of Kuwait and complies with Shariah Law. Being an Islamic state, there are more than 1700 mosques countrywide for the Muslims to offer their prayers in congregation. 

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

Our page is designed to meet the needs of our visitors who are living in or traveling to Kuwait and are unable to access the right Islamic Prayer Times in Kuwait. We bring the most precise timings for every city in Kuwait and all the other countries in the world to help our visitors pray at the right time. 

To get notifications for all the prayers, visit the prayer times webpage, bookmark your country and city page, and never miss a prayer again. For further convenience, download the Muslim and Quran mobile app for Android and iOS and get salah notifications for all 5 daily prayers on your handheld device. 

Popular Cities with Muslim Population in Kuwait

Kuwait is a Muslim-majority country with 85% Muslim population. The remaining 15% follow religions like Christianity, Hinduism, and others. 99% of the Kuwaiti Muslims belong to the Sunni sect. The country shares its borders with Iraq and Saudi Arabia, both of which are Muslim-dominant countries. Some popular cities in Kuwait with a sizeable Muslim population are: 

Kuwait City is the capital of Kuwait and is the largest city in the country. The total population of the capital is 3,298,000, and the majority of them are Muslims. It is home to the 8th largest mosque in the world, the Grand Mosque of Kuwait. 

Al Ahmadi is a town founded in 1946 and has many refineries that belong to  Kuwait National Petroleum Company and Kuwait Oil Company. This city has many architectural sites that are a part of Kuwaiti Islamic Heritage. 

Hawalli City is the commercial center of Kuwait for mainly computer-related goods. The city population is around 218,141, and it is home to people from different ethnic backgrounds. The city's architecture, food, and arts reflect Islam. 

Islamic Culture and Heritage in Kuwait

Most of Kuwait's population are immigrants from other Arab countries and South Asian countries. Islam spread in Kuwait at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), and the religion started expanding. But in 1521, it went under Portuguese control. It was reoccupied by the Muslims in the years 1682-1716. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it served as a trading platform at the banks of the Gulf. Kuwaiti Laws and Legislations are derived from Islamic Shariah laws, as Kuwait's primary religion is Islam. 

The old city of Kuwait was surrounded by a mud wall, which was demolished after World War 2, and Kuwait transformed into a modern metropolis after the discovery of oil. The architecture of Kuwait represents Islamic values. "Barjeels," Kuwaiti traditional houses, consist of geometric patterns and woodwork, representing Islamic architecture. 

Kuwait has almost 1700 mosques countrywide, and the Grand Mosque of Kuwait, located in its capital, is the 8th largest mosque in the world. The first mosque in Kuwait was built in 1857 in its capital, Kuwait City. 

Islamic Community Services and Organizations in Kuwait

As Kuwait is an Islamic country, there are several Islamic organizations and community service providers working there. Here are a few of the organizations that are prominent:

International Islamic Charity Organization - This organization in Kuwait serves as a charitable organization helping and supporting all the Muslims in Kuwait and in other Muslim countries in need. It provides relief funds, support to orphans, and funds for the construction of water wells to provide clean water to the people. 

Grand Mosque – The Grand Mosque of Kuwait in Kuwait City is a prominent Islamic center that offers Islamic education and a place for religious events and worship. 

Kuwait Islamic Cultural Center - It is a famous religious institution providing Islamic education and serving as a community center for religious events and activities. 

Islamic Festivals and Events in Kuwait

Kuwait's festivals and events are based on Islamic teachings, and the people celebrate all religious events with enthusiasm. On Islamic festivals and events, holidays are announced countrywide so everyone can celebrate at home. Kuwait observes the Islamic New Year on the 1st of Muharram, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-Ul-Adha, Arafat Day, and 12 Rabi-Awal, which is the birthdate of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). 

Halal Dining and Food Options in Kuwait

Everything is Halal in Kuwait. As it's a Muslim-dominant country, you will never find any hurdle to locate halal food options. Even international chains like McDonald's and KFC are also Halal. You can enjoy all types of Halal cuisines in Kuwait without having to worry about it being haram. 

Islamic Education and Institutions in Kuwait

Kuwait has many educational institutions that provide Islamic knowledge and modern academic education. Here are a few popular names in Kuwait:

College of Shari'ia and Islamic Studies in Kuwait University: It offers graduation and post-graduation programs in Islamic studies. 

Dar ul-Ahdith Al-Kuwaitiyyah - This institute provides specialization in the study of Hadith and offers the opportunity for research in the field. 

The Scientific Society for the Holy Quran and Sunnah - This institution offers academic programs in the Quran and Sunnah, along with several events and programs to promote its application. 

Connect with the Muslim Community in Kuwait

It is best to visit mosques and join local community groups to connect with the locals of Kuwait. You will find Muslims in several ethnic groups in Kuwait. Some popular groups are the Arabs of Kuwait, the South Asian Muslim community, the South Asian Hindu community, and more. Each ethnic group has differences in their traditions, culture, and understanding of Islam, and connecting with them in their religious institutions and mosques or joining them on festivals will grant you a vast experience of life and the people of Kuwait. 

We at provide you with a platform where you can learn about Quranic verses, Ahadith, and duas to strengthen your faith and deeply connect you to Allah, no matter where you go. We provide you with accurate prayer timings so you can plan your traveling accordingly without having to miss your obligatory prayers ever again.