Today Prayer Times in Martinique

Welcome to the MuslimandQuran page for Islamic Prayer Times in Martinique. We provide you with the most accurate prayer times for Martinique so you can perform your daily salah at the right time to fulfill your obligation. There are five salah obligatory for Muslim men and women to offer: Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. It is important to offer each prayer to be offered at its specific time for it to be accepted. We provide you with precise timings so you can prioritize your salah and offer it at its best time.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

Get the most accurate Islamic Prayer times in Martinique on this page. Simply scroll down to select your city and see the prayer times. While accessing our website, it's best to activate your location so you’ll be automatically shown the prayer times in your region. You can also access it manually by selecting Prayer Times from the navigation bar or homepage, clicking on Country Listing and selecting Martinique.

For a simpler way, you can download our app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and make the most out of your time. When you access our app with your location accessible, you will be automatically directed to the Prayer Times page of your region. You can also turn on the notifications to receive daily reminders for your prayers.

Martinique Cities with Muslim Population

Martinique is an island in the Caribbean Sea and is famous for its beautiful beaches, and mountains. It has an active volcano, Mount Pelee, and is a famous tourist spot. The island is occupied by France, so there is a great emphasis on French culture on the land. It has a total population of 370 thousand people and out of this, only 1% are Muslims. The dominant religion of the country is Christianity, specifically Roman Catholicism. There are hardly 1000 to 2000 Muslims in the region, and most are South Asians, North African Muslims, and Sub-Saharan Africans.

The Muslim population in Martinique is very small; most of them are the first or second generation of laborers who migrated from India. Since it's a French territory, many people from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia migrated here for livelihood.

Most of the Muslims in Martinique live in Fort-de-France, which is the capital and the largest city of the country, Le Lamentin and Schoelcher. They have a noticeable Muslim presence, and Fort-de-France has a mosque to cater to the Muslim population living in the country for worship. 

Islamic History and Culture of Martinique

Islam was introduced in Martinique back in the colonial era when enslaved African Muslims were brought here in Martinique. In the 19th and 20th centuries, many Muslims migrated to the Caribbean from India and the Middle East as laborers and settled here.

There are two main mosques on the island, Mosque de Fort-de-France and Mosque Noor-e-Islam. They offer a place for Muslims to worship, gain religious knowledge, and provide financial, marriage, and funeral services.

Halal Dining and Food Options in Martinique

Martinique is a place where Muslims are in the minority, and therefore, finding a halal dining option is a real challenge. However, there are few options that provide halal food and dining options. O’Kebap is a famous halal food chain that specializes in Turkish cuisine and is a famous name in Halal dining options in Forte-de-France. It offers Halal food and does not provide any alcohol or anything related to alcohol. You can enjoy halal Turkish and Middle Eastern food here for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals.

There are few other restaurants available that serve both Halal and non-Halal food. You can always ask for the halal certificate and satisfy yourself with other questions before placing an order or dining in with them.

Connect with the Muslim Community in Martinique

Connect with the Muslims of Martinique to learn about their culture, religious practices, and the challenges of living as a minority. Connecting with your Muslim brothers helps you learn about how other Muslims live around the world and what challenges they face while keeping up with their religion. 

Muslim and Quran is a platform that provides you with Islamic resources that offer immense knowledge about your religion. It helps read the Quran, learn and refer to Hadith, memorize Duas and Tasbihat, and get reminders for daily prayers. It's a platform that connects you with your religion and strengthens your faith. With accurate prayer times, you can plan your day ahead, keeping Salah on your priority list. With reminders, you will know it's Prayer time, and you can take a break from your daily schedule and connect yourself with your Lord.