Welcome to the Islamic Prayer Times in Mauritania page on MuslimandQuran.com! This page has accurate and updated information on prayer times for this country. You can find prayer timings for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha here at any location!
As of 2024, Mauritania is a Muslim-majority country. It is estimated that around 99 percent of the population is Sunni Muslim. They mostly follow the Maliki school of thought. At MuslimandQuran.com, our aim is to help you find the right Islamic prayer times in Mauritania and any other country in Northwest Africa. Both residents and travelers can benefit from our Android and iOS apps and website.
The MuslimandQuran.com page and mobile application are designed to help travelers, visitors, or new residents of Mauritania. The timings can also be sorted by city. In a nutshell, you get accurate and updated information every single time! While Mauritania is a Muslim-majority country, the prayer times may not always be clear. Our prayer timing schedule is the most convenient and accurate option for someone new to the area. Simply bookmark our Prayer Timings Schedule page on your laptop. Alternatively, download the app on your smartphone for easier access when on the go.
All the major Islamic festivals and events are celebrated in Mauritania today. These include:
This is one of the two major Muslim yearly holidays. It is held to remember the event of the Prophet Ibrahim عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ and his obedience to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) in being ready to sacrifice his son. This Eid falls on the 10th of Zil-Hajj in the Hijri lunar calendar, making it a different day each year in the Gregorian calendar. Muslims usually celebrate Eid by dressing up in their best clothes, offering special prayers, sacrificing certain animals, and distributing the meat to the community.
This is the other major Islamic holiday celebrated by Muslims all around the world. It falls on the 1st of Shawwal, right after the holy month of Ramadan. It is meant to celebrate the end of the fasting month. Muslims celebrate this Eid by dressing up, offering Eid prayers, giving charity, and meeting their loved ones. We still have to offer regular prayers during these Islamic festivals. With the MuslimandQuran app, you'll stay updated about them all!
The nation of Mauritania has a rich history, especially regarding its Islamic roots. It has many well-preserved historical areas, including the Oudane ruins, which used to be an ancient town. Other sites include the city of Chinguetti, which is famous for its ancient structures, especially mosques and libraries.
The Adrar n'Achkouf prehistoric rock art sites are also worth mentioning. Some of the art is similar to the other examples found in the Saharan countries. The images include those of domestic cattle, mounted horses, unmounted horses, weaponry, human figures, hunting scenes, camels, and wild fauna. There are also some sites with Arabic and Libyco-Berber/Tifinagh scripts.