Welcome to Muslim and Quran's prayer timings section. Here, you will find updated daly Islamic prayer times in different locations of Moldova. Muslim and Quran is one of the most trusted websites worldwide, providing accurate, precise, and authentic information on prayer timings to help you fulfill your religious obligation of offering five daily prayers. In this section, you can explore the correct prayer times for your current location and any other location in Moldova.
Offering prayers at the correct times is a sensitive religious matter. The times for offering these prayers are specifically defined by Islam. Accordingly, Fajr is performed before sunrise, Dhuhr in the early afternoon, Asr is recited late afternoon, Maghrib prayer is just after the sunset, and Isha is performed during the night but before midnight. Based on these parameters, the exact timings of each prayer are calculated based on each city's geographic location and the Sun's positioning. At Muslim and Quran, you will get the accurate timings of the mandatory five prayers in all locations of Moldova, including your current location.
The Muslim and Quran website and mobile application provides accurate Prayer Times for all cities of Moldova. To access your city's updated daily prayer times, you must enable your current location option on your laptop or mobile phone. You can also explore the accurate prayer timings for any other location in your country by choosing the city listed on this page. Prayer timings are uploaded on our website and mobile application after carefully verifying their accuracy and authenticity, strictly per the parameters defined by Islamic scholars. Moreover, the timings for each location are cross-checked and reconfirmed by a dedicated team of experts so that users can discharge their religious duties without any doubt or confusion.
Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, surrounded by Romania and Ukraine. It was previously part of the USSR and comprises predominantly an Orthodox Christian population. The total population of Moldova, as per the latest census of 2023, is more than 2.5 million, with Muslims making up less than 0.1%. There's some controversy or confusion about the exact number of Muslims living in Moldova. The official census reflects that there are less than 2,000 Muslims in Moldova, whereas the Islamic League of Moldova claims that the Muslim population in Moldova is around 17,000.
Islamic League of Moldova is an NGO in Moldova that was officially registered in 2011. The League claims that due to fear of oppression, most of the Muslims have not officially declared their religion in the census. However, per the latest census, the Muslim population was declared as 1,667, most of which live in the Capital City of Chișinău. The total Muslim population in different cities of Moldova is as under:
At present, the Muslim population in Moldova is sparse. Even if the claim of the Islamic League of Moldova is considered realistic, Muslims remain less than 1% of the total population of Moldova. In 2011, when the local government of Moldova officially registered the Islamic League of Moldova as a representative body of Muslims, the Christians launched protests against this action. Although the Constitution of Moldova protects the rights of every religion, Muslims faced a difficult time during these protests. However, the situation cooled down with the UN High Commission for Human Rights intervention. Despite all these difficulties, Muslims are still thriving in Moldova. They have established a Mosque in the Capital Chișinău. However, it is situated far from the main city center, in the Industrial area. It is quite a well-maintained, big Mosque, having all the necessary facilities, like Prayer Hall, Library, and a separate place for ablution. Apart from that, there are no noticeable footprints of Islamic Cultural Heritage in Moldova.