Today Prayer Times in Montenegro

Find the Islamic prayer times in Montenegro brought to you with complete accuracy and ease by Muslim and Quran. Get prayer times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha with absolute accuracy and reliability, along with adhan timings and a countdown to your next prayer in Montenegro.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

Here at Muslim and Quran, we provide you with the most accurate and prompt Islamic prayer times in all cities of Montenegro. You will have easy and quick access to Adhan and iqamah times on our webpage and mobile apps whether iOS or Android. Visit and select the Prayer Times section; you will be directed to the prayer times for your location. Allow access to your device's location for precise salat timings. You can manually choose the country and city of your current residence as well; simply go to Country Listing and select the country and city of your choice.

Popular Cities in Montenegro with Muslim Population

Montenegro is a Balkan country with characteristics of Balkan natural beauty, such as rough mountains, medieval villages, and narrow beach strips along its Adriatic coastline. It is a popular tourist destination and is frequented by many Muslim travelers. Bordered by Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Montenegro is a multiethnic state with no ethnic majority. Muslims make up 19% of Montenegro's total population, a significant minority with a strong community and several mosques around this southeast European state.

After Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, Montenegro has the largest number of Muslim residents of any European country. In 2012, the country recognized Islam as an official religion in the multiethnic state. Muslim women are also permitted to wear headscarves in schools and at public institutions. The protocol also ensures that Muslims have the right to take Fridays off for the Jumu'ah (Friday)-prayer. Such religious tolerance has allowed the Muslim community to live peacefully alongside other communities. Several cities, such as the following, have a domestic population of Muslims with more than 50%:

  • Podgorica is the capital city of Montenegro.
  • Rožaje is a town in Montenegro in the northern region.
  • Bar is a coastal town and seaport in southern Montenegro.

Halal Dining and Food Options in Montenegro

Montenegro has several Muslim-majority cities and areas with special cultural cuisines and local favorites served at halal restaurants. Here are two of the most popular Halal dining restaurants in the capital city of Montenegro, Podgorica.

  • Palata: serves Turkish meat plate, pizza, and a variety of several other dishes.
  • Arabian Tea House Montenegro: serves Arabic Middle Eastern Cuisine, mainly tea and other beverages.

Islamic Community Services and Organizations in Montenegro

Montenegro is fairly populated with Muslims belonging to various ethnicities in the northeastern and southeastern parts of the state. Although the Muslims of Montenegro do not have a majority in the multiethnic state, they have a significant presence with a major community organization overseeing the community affairs. Islamic Community of Montenegro is a prominent independent religious organization of Muslims in Montenegro, established as Muftiate of Montenegro back in 1878.