Welcome to prayer times in Norway on MuslimandQuran.com! Here, you will find the most up-to-date and accurate prayer timings for any city in Norway. We aim to ensure that Muslims are able to pray salat at the correct time anywhere in the world. Norway has a vibrant Muslim population, around 3.3% of the population and consequently forms a significant part of the social and cultural fabric of the country. This page is your reliable resource for accurate prayer times across major cities in Norway. We provide precise timings for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.
With MuslimandQuran you can now get accurate prayer times in your city within Norway. Just visit our website or download our mobile app, select Norway from the country listing and your city from the list of Norwegian cities. We get prayer times from multiple authentic local sources to provide you with the most accurate time.
While Muslims are spread throughout Norway, some cities have a particularly vibrant Islamic presence:
Remember, with the Muslim and Quran app, you can access accurate prayer times for any of these cities and many others across Norway, ensuring you can fulfill your religious obligations with ease wherever you travel.
Norway's vibrant Muslim community thrives thanks to a network of dedicated organizations and services. Below are some of the more prominent organizations and services:
These organizations not only fulfill their duties but also contribute to the spiritual, social, and cultural development of the Muslim community in Norway. They are not only service providers, but they also propagate goodwill and fight for the community's rights so that the community continues to grow and thrive within the framework of Norwegian society.
Norwegian Muslims rejoice in all of the significant festivals in the Islamic calendar with tremendous enthusiasm and passion. Below are some of the more significant ones:
While it must be pointed out that the specific dates of the Islamic holidays vary each year according to the lunar calendar, the Muslim communities in Noway celebrate these events with deep faith and joy. This makes them closer together in terms of their faith and their cultural identity.
The Norwegian Muslim community is diverse and quite close-knit, and we heartily invite you to come and join in on the efforts to build spiritual niches for the betterment of everyone and create a stronger society. Most mosques in Norway are focused on prayer sessions and social gatherings that allow a part of the society to socialize and seek a place where they can fit in the community. Most Islamic organizations spend their time organizing various activities, usually networking, like festivals, lectures, and community events. Moreover, contributing your time will help you become a part of the Muslim community in Norway. Many organizations are looking for volunteers who will help them carry out different activities and, therefore, be a part of the society at hand.
Here our primary purpose is mostly about the provision of assistance to the Muslim community. It is our intention not only to report the exact prayer times but also to be useful as an all-inclusive platform with all the tools and resources a Muslim could use.