Muslim and Quran brings you updated Islamic prayer times in Panama for the 5 daily prayers, i.e., Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. Prayer times are available for all cities of Panama, including Panamá, San Miguelito, Juan Díaz, David, Chiriquí, Arraiján, Panamá Oeste, Colón, Las Cumbres, and La Chorrera. Find accurate prayer timings, sunrise and sunset times, and Qibla direction in any city of Panama.
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Panama is a country in Central America that shares borders with Costa Rica and Columbia. It had a total population of around 4.5 million in 2023. Most of the population follows Christianity, and the Muslim population is between 0.7% to 1%. Most Muslims in Panama are immigrants from the Middle East and the Subcontinent. You’ll find Muslims living in close-knit communities in Panama City, Colon, David, and La Chorrera. The capital, Panama City, also has a mosque that caters to the worship needs of the Muslims living in the area and surrounding it.
Islam was introduced in Panama around the year 1552 when the Muslims were brought enslaved by slave traders from Portugal to work in the gold mines. The descendants of these enslaved Muslim mine workers make up a good portion of the Muslims in Panama. Another chunk is that of Muslims who came to Panama in the late 19th century on a skilled or work visa and then settled there. The Muslims in the second wave are mainly from Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Subcontinent. No more than 25000 Muslims are living in the country, forming a minority group. Since Panama is a secular state, Muslims are free to practice their religion and construct mosques for worship. The Jama Masjid of Panama was built around 1982 and is the first mosque in the South American region.
Muslims of Panama celebrate all the occasions and festivals that the rest of the Muslim world celebrates. Their events start with celebrating the Islamic New Year from the 1st of Moharram, followed by Ashura, and later celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in Rabbi-Awal.
In the 9th Islamic month, Ramadan, Muslims in Panama observe fast for the whole month. They keep their fast after having suhoor before sunrise and break their fast with Iftar upon sunset. Upon sighting the moon of Shawaal, Muslims across Panama celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr by starting their day with the Fajr Prayer, followed by the Eid-ul-Fitr Prayer. In the last Islamic month, Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha. Muslims offer their Eid salah and sacrifice animals in the name of Allah.
You will find Halal Lebanese food, Indian food, and Turkish food in Panama City, the capital of Panama. Some of the best halal restaurants in Panama City include Mumbai Grill, Tandoori & Burger, Beirut, Guris Cafe, Sabor de la India, Al Basha Restaurant, and Tik Tak Tantuni. It will be challenging to find Halal food in other cities of Panama. However, Muslims can find vegetarian and kosher food anywhere.
Connect with the Muslims of Panama to learn how immigrating and living in a country where Muslims are only in a few numbers is different and challenging. Get to know their challenges and how their Islamic practices differ from yours. brings you all the resources and information that help you stay ahead in your religious knowledge. We bring you tasbihat so you may strengthen your connection with the Almighty with Dhikr Allah. Access Quranic verses, hadith, duas, and prayer timings, and stay connected to your deen wherever in the world you are.