Today Prayer Times in Slovakia

Visit for daily Islamic prayer times in Slovakia for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. Slovakia is the only member state of the European Union not to have any formal mosques, but that does not stop Muslims from offering their prayers in congregation. Muslims gather in small informal spaces to offer their prayers with Jamaát. Most Muslims offer their prayers individually at home or in private spaces. Learn the correct salat times with Muslim and Quran to offer your prayer on time in Slovakia.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

Find accurate prayer times in an instant with! Visit our website, or download our app on iOS/Android now and access prayer times, countdowns, and more according to your location. Go to the Prayer Times section on the website or app, and you will be automatically shown prayer times for your current location. Allow the website access to your location for precise and accurate timings. 

You also have the option to check prayer times for other countries or cities by going to Country Listing and selecting your preferred location. Our app and webpage are specially designed for you to have easy access to prayer times anywhere as you travel between different locations. The prayer times page shows adhan and iqamah timings as well as a countdown to the next prayer so you can be mindful. Download the Islamic year or month prayer timetable for offline reference if you're traveling and may disconnect from the internet. Do not have to worry about outdated prayer times on our app or website, our system automatically updates according to your time and location.

Halal Dining and Food Options in Slovakia

Even though Muslims make up less than 0.1% of the total population in Slovakia, with increasing tourism and immigration, finding halal dining or food is not so difficult anymore. Here are a few popular options recommended by several Muslim travelers.

  • Falafel Nitra
    • Location: Nitra, Slovakia
    • Serves halal Middle Eastern dishes that are vegetarian. It is supervised by a Syrian immigrant chef. It is popular for dishes like hummus, falafel, omelets, sandwiches, and more.
  • Kebabing Restaurant 
    • Location: Poprad, Slovakia
    • Known for its Halal dishes such as falafel, doner kebab, and shawarma. Loved for its fast service and affordable prices for everyone.
  • Habibi Café 
    • Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
    • A cafe located in the capital city that offers a good range of hot and cold drinks such as lemonade tea and Arabic coffee and more.

Connect with the Muslim Community in Slovakia

Slovakia, officially the Slovak Republic, is a landlocked country in Central Europe known for its historic sites, such as medieval castles and stunning landscapes. Its capital and largest city is Bratislava, where you will likely come across Muslim immigrants and halal Arabian cafes. In 2010, around 5,000 to 5,900 Muslims were estimated to reside in Slovakia, representing less than 0.1% of the country's population. This number may have gone up with the increasing number of reverts connecting to the message of Islam.

Whether you are moving or traveling to Slovakia as a Muslim, we highly recommend you connect with the local Muslims. Slovakia does not have any official mosque, however, there are several small facilities in big cities for the working Muslims to pray and organize congregation. Xhami in Bratislava is a popular praying facility in the capital where you can find and connect with the local Muslim community of Slovakia. 

Find the most accurate Islamic Prayer Times in Slovakia with Muslim and Quran, including adhan timings and countdowns, and never miss your obligatory prayer again. We are dedicated to assisting your journey to get closer to Islam and strengthen your faith with easy access to accurate services such as prayer times and finding local praying facilities.