Today Prayer Times in Sudan

Are you searching for prayer times in Sudan? Your search ends here! At, we are dedicated to offering customized prayer timings based on your location, no matter where you are in the world. Our primary objective is to ensure that your spiritual needs are catered to. This page aims to provide precise information about prayer times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha for each city in Sudan. 

Having access to accurate prayer timings is of the utmost importance for Muslims residing in Sudan as it forms an integral part of their daily religious practices and spiritual routine. Sudan is a diverse country situated in Northeastern Africa, renowned for its cultural heritage and historical significance. With its landscapes ranging from the Sahara Desert to fertile Savannahs and expansive rivers, Sudan offers breathtaking natural beauty. 

Sudan has a population exceeding 48 million individuals, of which 90% follow Islam. It places value on Islamic principles and traditions, making Islam a central aspect of everyday life for its people. Our core mission revolves around providing you with up-to-date and precise Islamic prayer times in Sudan. Whether you consider Sudan your homeland or are just visiting, our aim is to help you seamlessly incorporate your practices into the ambiance of this country.

Discover Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran offers precision in prayer timings through its automated updating system. This user-friendly service caters to individuals who may be working or traveling and require access to prayer times that may not be readily available. Moreover, you have the freedom to download a prayer timetable at no cost, which is available in yearly formats depending on your specific requirements.

To discover prayer timings customized to your location within Sudan, simply visit our Prayer Times page. Our system automatically adjusts the prayer timings based on your settings. Alternatively, you can explore our Country Listing section, where you can select Sudan and your preferred city to access prayer schedules.

Additionally, we provide the convenience of downloading and printing the prayer timetable for your city for the year (Islamic Calendar), or you can save these prayer times for offline reference using our App.

The Five Daily Prayers and Their Timings

Islam places great emphasis on Salah (ritual prayer). Salah is when a believer is in direct communication with their creator. The gift of Salah was given to the Muslims on the night of Mairaj when the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) ascended to the heavens to meet the Almighty. At first, Allah mandated 50 prayers in a day, but the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) asked Allah to reduce the number of prayers to 5 on Hazrat Musa's recommendation. The five prayers keep the faith of a believer fresh and ensure the strength of their connection with Allah. The prayers are: 

Fajr (Dawn Prayer): Fajr denotes the prayer at daybreak before the sun ascends, signaling the start of a fresh day.

Dhuhr (Noon Prayer): Dhuhr is observed around midday, offering a moment to pause amidst the day's hustle and rekindle one's focus.

Asr (Afternoon Prayer): Asr is performed later in the afternoon, encouraging introspection on one's deeds and intentions throughout the day.

Maghrib (Evening Prayer): Maghrib is conducted after sunset, serving as a time to express gratitude for the blessings received during the day and seek connection.

Isha (Night Prayer): Isha marks the prayer of the day performed when darkness envelops, providing an opportunity to strengthen one's bond with Allah before retiring for bed.

Sudanese Cities with Muslim Majority

As Sudan is predominantly a Muslim country, most cities in the country have a majority Muslim population. These cities serve as hubs of Muslim culture and heritage. If you are seeking Islamic prayer times in these cities, you can easily find them through the Muslim Quran app. Here are some cities in Sudan with a population;

  1. Khartoum

  2. Omdurman

  3. Kassala

  4. Port Sudan

  5. Al Ubayyid

These cities offer an experience of Sudan's Islamic traditions and practices. The Muslim and Quran application ensures that you can easily access prayer times for each of these cities, making it convenient for both residents and travelers to observe their religious rituals with precision and convenience.

Islamic Culture and Heritage in Sudan

Sudan's Islamic culture and heritage hold a significant influence in shaping the country's identity and everyday life. Islam is the religion in Sudan, with its practice being a part of people's daily lives. Daily prayers and celebrations of Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha as adherence to Islamic ethics are common among the population.

Sudan boasts a range of mosques, both modern, which serve as important places for worship and community gatherings. Notable examples include the Grand Mosque of Khartoum Hamed al Nil Mosque, and Mahdis Tomb Mosque in Omdurman. Islamic design principles have heavily influenced architecture. Traditional Sudanese houses often feature carved doors and windows adorned with geometric patterns. Islamic calligraphy and geometric designs are prominent in art and decor.

Sufi Islam holds a presence in Sudan, with various Sufi orders and brotherhoods engaged throughout the country. Sufi practices such as chanting and religious gatherings play a role in Islamic spirituality. In society, Islamic culture and heritage have an impact on various aspects of life, ranging from daily practices to the design of buildings, artwork, and even food. This reflects the lasting influence of Islam in Sudan and its crucial role in shaping the nation's identity.