If you are looking for the correct Islamic Prayer Times in Svalbard and Jan Mayen, you’ve come to the right place. We know how important it is to offer your daily prayers at the right time and to help you stay steadfast in your deen, we provide the most precise prayer timings for you. With Muslim and Quran, you can check the right time for Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha salah in your area and offer your obligatory prayer at the most accurate time.
Get the most accurate Islamic prayer times in Svalbard and Jan Mayen with Muslim and Quran. Our website lets you access the correct prayer times in your region. Simply select Prayer Times from the Homepage or drop-down menu, choose Country Listing, select Svalbard and Jan Mayen from the options, and select the city you reside in. Access with your location enabled to be automatically directed to the prayer times of your area.
There is even a more straightforward way to get the correct prayer times. Download our app on your Android phone or iPhone and check the prayer times for every Salah through it. You also have the option to enable notification for daily prayers, reminding you of every Salah daily. We have created our app and website with our users in mind and made it simple and easy to navigate.
Svalbard and Jan Mayen are two islands in the Arctic Ocean near Iceland and Norway. Jan Mayen is a volcanic island and is likely uninhibited. and has a small Norwegian military and meteorological people living there, while Svalbard has a tiny population of around 2500 to 3000 residents. 90% of these residents follow Christianity, and only a few are Muslims. Most of these handful of Muslims are migrants from North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, and Pakistan. They come here for work, study, research, or tourism.
Longyearbyen is the only significant settlement area in Svalbard, and most of the population, including Muslims, live here. To live and work in Svalbard, no visa is required, so anyone visiting Norway or Iceland can come and work here without visa requirements. There are no Masjids or churches here but a private place where Muslims worship and offer their daily prayers in congregation.
As the number of Muslims is so limited, no official organization of Svalbard and Jan Mayen operates there. But two societies from Norway work for the Muslim community living and working in Svalbard:
In Svalbard, there are no such Halal dining places, but many places like Huset and Kroa offer fish and vegetarian items that Muslims can eat. Some famous superstores like Svalbardbutikken in Longyearbyen offer a selection of groceries that Muslims can have, including fresh seafood, vegetables, grain, and other items. Many people chose to bring Halal packaged food from Norway for their use.
Svalbard and Jan Mayen are small islands and no much Muslim live there. When you visit Svalbard, connect with the people of this small island to learn what it’s like to live on a remote island following the principles of Islam. Learn about their challenges regarding offering daily salah, fasting in Ramadan, and celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha.
Muslim and Quran provide you with a wealth of resources you can use from anywhere in the world. People living in Svalbard and Jan Mayen and having little to no Islamic resources available can always connect with Muslim and Quran to learn about Islam, including the Quran, Hadith, Duas, Tasbihat, and Prayer Times in different places worldwide. To offer your prayers on time in Svalbard, visit our website or download our app and you can know the accurate Islamic prayer times in Svalbard and Jan Mayen.