Jumada Al Akhira

Jumada al-Thani, also known as Jumada al-Akhirah, is the sixth month in the Hijirah Calendar after the month of Jumada Al-Oula. There are 12 Islamic months each month begins with the sighting of a new moon. There are 29 or 30 days each month, depending upon the sighting of a new moon.

Jumada Al Akhira 1446 AH03-December-2024

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Jumada Al Akhira Islamic Events


Death of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (RA)

Thursday, 3 Jumada Al Akhira 1446 AH

1 month ago


Battle of Mauta and Martyrdom of Hazrat Jafer Tayyar (RA)

Thursday, 10 Jumada Al Akhira 1446 AH

1 month ago


Death of Imam Al Ghazali

Monday, 14 Jumada Al Akhira 1446 AH

1 month ago


Birth of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (RA)

Sunday, 20 Jumada Al Akhira 1446 AH

1 month ago


Death of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)

Tuesday, 22 Jumada Al Akhira 1446 AH

1 month ago

The Significance of Jumada Al-Thani

Jumada Al-Thani is not a month of special Ibadah, but it is a month when you can offer volunteer prayers, fasts, and give charity to increase your rewards and blessings from Allah. Our Prophet (S.A.W) used to fast every Monday and Thursday regardless of any special event or month. So, following his (S.A.W) Sunnah is the best way to increase faith and attain a high position in the world and hereafter.

Though there is no special ibadah linked to the month, there are special events that take place during this month. Some renowned personalities of Islam have their birth and death anniversaries in the month of Jumada al-Thani.

Key Dates of Jumada Al-Thani

Fatimah (R.A), the beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), also known as Fatima al-Zahra, is said to be the leader of the women of heaven. She was the fourth daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W) and the only child who passed away after the death of Muhammad (S.A.W). She passed away on 3rd Jumada al-Thani, six months after her father’s death. It is said that Fatima (R.A) could not overcome the grief of the death of her father and, therefore, died at a very young age. Fatima (R.A) is buried in Jannat ul-Baqi, the graveyard next to Masjid-e-Nabwi.

In addition to her death anniversary, the birth of Fatima (R.A) also occurs in the month of Jumada al-Awal. She was born on 20 Jumada Al-Thani, in Mecca, to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his beloved wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A). Fatima (R.A) is considered among the best women on earth and the leader of women in Jannah. In a Hadith narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A);

“The Prophet (S.A.W) said: ‘Sufficient for you among the women of mankind are Maryam bint Imran, Khadijah bint Khuwailid, Fatimah bint Muhammad and Asiyah the wife of Fir’awn.” (Jami at-Tirmidhi 3878, Book 49)

After the death of Prophet (S.A.W), Hazrat Aisha (R.A) asked Fatima (R.A) about the secret talk she had with her father. Hazrat Fatimah (R.A) said and Aisha (R.A) narrates:

“… She informed me, saying, “When he talked to me secretly the first time, he said that Gabriel used to review the Quran with him once every year. He added, ‘But this year, he reviewed it with me twice, and therefore, I think that my time of death has approached. So, be afraid of Allah, and be patient, for I am the best predecessor for you (in the Hereafter).’ Fatima added, “So I wept as you (Aisha) witnessed. And when the Prophet (S.A.W) saw me in this sorrowful state, he confided the second secret to me saying, ‘O Fatima! Will you not be pleased that you will be chief of all the believing women (or chief of the women of this nation i.e., my followers?)” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6285, 6286, Book 79, Hadith 58).

In the 8th Hijiri, 10th Jumada Al-Thani, the battle of Mu’tah took place. It was led by some great names who were unfortunately martyred in this battle: Zayd ibn Harithah, Hazrat Ali’s brother Ja’far ibn Abi Talib, and Abd Allah ibn Rawahah. In total 13 Sahabas were martyred in a single battle. 

Another well-known name in Islamic history, Imam Al-Ghazali, passed away on the 14th Jumada Al-Akhirah. Imam Ghazali was a Ulim al-din who devoted his life to Islam. He belonged to Iran and was known as the mujaddid of the 11th century. His work was honored in the Islamic world, which won him the title of Hujjat al-Islam (Proof of Islam). He was also called Imam Al-Haramayn - the imam of the two sacred cities of Mecca and Medinah.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A), the best friend and father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), left this world on the 22nd Jumada al-Akhirah. Abu Bakr (R.A.) was known for his wisdom, honesty, and love for Islam and, therefore, was appointed by the Prophet (S.A.W) to lead the ummah after His (S.A.W) death. Abu Bakr was appointed as the first Caliph of Islam to lead the Muslims of the world. He died on 22nd Jumada Al-Thani and was buried right next to Prophet (S.A.W) in Masjid Nabwi, the place which was the home of Aisha (R.A) at the time of Prophet (S.A.W) death.

Special Ibadah in Jumada Al-Thani

Like the month of Muharram, which has a special ibadah for it, Jumada al-thani does not have any special or specific ibadah that you should perform this month. But our Prophet (S.A.W) always promoted offering volunteer deeds, including prayers, fasting, charity, and anything you can do with pure heart. Giving away sadqah (charity) increases your wealth, health, and the means of rizq. It also is the easiest way to get rid of your sins. In a hadith narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A),

“Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said: ‘Envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes wood, and charity extinguishes bad deeds just as water extinguishes fire. Prayer is the light of the believer and fasting is a shield against the Fire.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4210, Book 37)


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