Colleges & Universities

Are you in search of Colleges and Universities near you? You have reached the right place. Muslim and Quran provides precise and trusted information about colleges and universities not only in your current location but thousands of other locations you might be interested in. There might be several educational institutes in your area but finding those imparting Islamic education may be a bit difficult at times. Muslim and Quran have managed to gather information about the availability of trusted Colleges and Universities near you. And most importantly this list is regularly updated so the visitors get the correct and up-to-date information.

The website and the mobile application of Muslim and Quran are the best and most reliable sources for getting updated information about colleges and universities. For a better experience and more user-friendly features, download our mobile application and get real-time access to your desired information on the go.

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About Colleges and Universities

Education plays a vital role in an individual's personality development. In a broader sense, education builds a nation. Education starts from the very early days of a person. An individual starts learning from his childhood, from his home and surrounding environment. The formal phase of education starts with the early years of school, which builds a base for practical education. The next phase of education comes through colleges, followed by higher education in universities.

Education is an essential element in personality development at the micro level and the development of a society and nation at the macro level. You can't think of developing a sustainable nation without educating its people in diversified fields. There has to be a delicate balance among various fields of education, such as literature, arts, sciences, and technologies. This is achieved through educational institutes like colleges and universities.   

Once a child completes his education, the next phase, the college and university education, is even more important. Here, a person's future is decided, whether he wants to excel in literature or modern sciences and technologies. But religious education's another very sensitive part of education at this level. The Muslims living in Islamic Countries often get basic religious education from the very beginning, in the early years of schooling. However, those living in non-Muslim countries may not get an opportunity to learn about Islamic teachings. That makes it necessary for them to search for higher educational institutions where they can get reasonable religious knowledge alongside the modern fields of education.

Importance of Colleges & Universities

Colleges and Universities are the backbone of the comprehensive educational system of a country. At this stage, a person gets advanced level knowledge and education in a particular field, like arts or technical sciences and so on. Colleges and Universities play the most essential part in preparing a team of professionals and experts in every important field, necessary to build a sustainable and prosperous society. Each year, hundreds and thousands of students get undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees in their respective fields to get ready to contribute towards the development of their nations.

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