Welcome to Burkina Faso prayer times at MuslimandQuran.com! Access Islamic prayer times in Burkina Faso with the Muslim and Quran prayer times mobile app and never miss your salah again. Prayer is a part of the daily routine for the Muslims of Burkina Faso and all the other countries in the world. To make sure you offer your prayers at the right time, get Athaan reminders for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asar, Maghrib, and Isha.
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Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa, formerly known as the Republic of Upper Volta. Its name is often translated as Land of Honest Men in English. It has a diverse community living, and the majority of them follow Islam. More than 63% of the population are Muslims, while around 26% are Christians.
Burkina Faso is a Muslim-dominant country, but since Christians are also in good numbers, and there are also other religious groups residing in the form of small communities, there are cities with high and low populations of Muslims. Let's have a look at the cities with a majority of Muslim communities:
Ouagadougou: It is the capital city of Burkina Faso and also the largest city in the country. It holds the history of the Mossi people and was the seat of the great king of the Mossi group in the 15th century. It is culturally diverse but has a high population of Muslims living here.
Bobo-Dioulasso: it is the second largest city of Burkina Faso, and the name can be translated as Home of the Bobo-Dioula. The Mosque of Bobo-Dioula is a renowned site in the city, and there are many religious sites, both Islamic and Christian, that are tourist attractions.
Koudougou: The third most populous city, and is home to small industries like soap, shea butter, cotton, and different textile factories. It is home to many Muslim people.
Ouahigouya: The fourth most populous city of Burkina Faso, is home to a large number of Muslim people. It is a very old city founded in the year 1757.
Islam was brought to the Burkina Faso region during the 11th century by the Arab traders. Until the 19th century, it was ruled by the Mossi kingdom. The Mossi's were introduced to Islam in the 11th century through Muslim traders. During that time, many Mossi leaders converted to Islam. The Dyula community in the region maintained Islamic culture and tradition and worked on religious education. In fact, there were many families that provided the region with Ulemas (Muslim Scholars) generation after generation. By the 19th century, the region had more than 30,000 Muslims in Burkina Faso. The popularity of Islam continued to grow in the country, and by 1959, there were 800,000 Muslims in the region. Many madrasas were built and served as religious educational institutions after World War 2. They are now a part of the community serving all the Muslims living in Burkina Faso. The Muslims residing in Burkina Faso wear moderate clothes that represent Islamic values, like flowing robes, and many cover their heads.
Few notable organizations work for the Muslim community as well as other minority communities in Burkina Faso. A few of them are:
Islamic Relief: This international organization serves all the Muslim communities around the globe with relief funds. Islamic Relief work in Burkina Faso helps to level up the living standards of low-income groups.
Muslim Hands: It is also an international charitable organization providing relief funds and working for the development of areas where life is below par.
OIC: Organization of Islamic Corporation (OIC)is an international organization working for women's empowerment and child care in refugee and displacement camps in Burkina Faso.
Muslims of Burkina Faso celebrate all the Islamic festivals like the rest of the world. They celebrate Ramadan by fasting for the whole month and enjoying Suhoor before keeping fast and Iftar upon breaking the fast. As soon as the moon of Shawal is sighted, marking the end of Ramadan, Muslims of Burkina Faso celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr with family and friends. They celebrate the Tabski festival, which is also known as Eid-ul-Adha in the Muslim world. In Burkina Faso, it's a tradition that the father of the household buys a ram and sacrifices it while the women of the house cook it along with some rice and sweet dishes and drinks.
Halal food and dining options are available everywhere in Burkina Faso. The majority of the population is Muslim and consumes Halal food. You can find all the local and international cuisines across the country served halal. There are Lebanese, Italian, Chinese, and Indian dining options available in the country. Like in Ouagadougou, some famous names for Halal dining are:
Chitir Chicken Burkina,
Naama Grill,
Royal Garden restaurant
Many institutions are set up in Burkina Faso to spread the religion and provide the Muslim community with religious knowledge. There are many small and big institutions built to provide education. Institute Supérieur Al Houda, located in Ouagadougou, provides a program in Islamic Studies, along with other programs like IT and Human Development. Private School Islamic Ahloussounna French is a school located in Bobo-Dioulasso.
Connect with the Muslim brothers of Burka Faso to create a harmonious society. Learn the different traditions they inherited from their forefathers. Learn how their practices vary from the rest of the Muslim world. The word 'Ummah' is used for Muslims, which reflects the bond between Muslims across the globe and their shared bond based on the core teaching of Islam.
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