Welcome to a dedicated source for Islamic prayer times in Mexico. At Muslim and Quran, you'll get accurate and authentic prayer times for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghreb, and Isha across various Mexican cities. 'Muslim and Quran' aims to become your one-stop to get all the Islamic information that you may need living in Mexico. The Muslim population in Mexico is 2% of its total population. As per statistics, there are almost 9000 to 12000 Muslims currently living in Mexico. This population consists of Lebanese Muslims, South Asians, and Arab Muslims. The Muslim population in Mexico is gradually increasing with each passing day. For Muslims and Mexico, Muslim and Quran is an invaluable source of Islamic information.
For Muslims living in Mexico or other Muslim minority countries where there are very few mosques, offering salah on time can become a challenge. In such a scenario, finding accurate prayer times with just a few clicks can be nothing less than a blessing. 'Muslim and Quran' brings you a simple solution. Simply download the mobile app, enable location, and find prayer times for your location in Mexico instantly.
While Mexico is a Catholic country, Islam is spreading fast here. The Muslim community is active and has significantly changed the cultural tapestry of Mexico. Although there isn't a definitive breakdown of the Muslim population across specific cities in Mexico, some of the cities with a more significant Muslim presence include:
As the capital and largest city of Mexico, Mexico City has the highest Muslim population in the country. Muslims from Arab, South and East Asia, Lebanon, etc., came and settled in Mexico City for better jobs and lifestyles.
Guadalajara is located in Western Mexico. This city has seen an influx of Muslim population over time due to its economic importance. The Muslim community here is vibrant and comes from different ethical backgrounds.
Tijuana has a significant Muslim population. The reason for this diverse and increased population can be due to Tijuana's location. It is located on the border of the United States of America. Due to its proximity to the U.S., Muslims from across the world settle here.
These examples are as per the current statistics, however, the Muslim population in these cities may vary over time. You can easily find authentic and accurate Islamic prayer times in any of these cities with the help of 'Muslim and Quran.'
The Muslim community in Mexico is relatively small compared to the other parts of the World. Despite this fact, Muslims participate in community events with full zest. This is the reason there are many Islamic community services and organizations working for the welfare of Muslims. Some of them are discussed below.
These organizations play a pivotal role in providing relief to Muslims in Mexico. They provide spiritual guidance, humanitarian aid, social support, and much more to the Muslim community.
Prayer or salah is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. In Islam, much importance has been given to praying on time. Narrated Abu Qatadah ibn Rib'iyy:
Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) said: I made five times' prayers obligatory on your people, and I took a guarantee that if anyone observes them regularly at their times, I shall admit him to Paradise; if anyone does not offer them regularly, there is no such guarantee of Mine for him. (Sunan Abi Dawud 430)
Living in a country where Muslims are in the minority, knowing the exact prayer times can be a hassle. With our app, Muslims in Mexico will be able to fulfill this obligation with ease and discipline. For the Muslims in Mexico, 'Muslim and Quran' is an excellent app for strengthening the faith and relationship with Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). On this website and app, you will find not only the right Islamic prayer times in Mexico but also Quran translations, hadith, and daily dhikr.