We bring you the most accurate Islamic prayer times in Peru. Prayer is the most essential form of worship, where we prostrate to Allah and submit our will before Him. Muslims must offer five daily prayers at the time specified. Fajr is offered before sunrise, Dhuhr in the afternoon, Asr in the late afternoon, Maghrib after sunsets, and the last salah, Isha, is offered when the darkness of night overtakes the last remaining daylight. The sunrise and sunset times change every day depending on the movement of the earth, and so do the prayer times. Therefore, there is a new prayer time for each salat every day, and Muslim and Quran brings it to you with convenience. Open the prayer timings webpage on our website or download the mobile app to access accurate daily salat times.
Find the most accurate Islamic prayer times with Muslims and the Quran. Download our app for your iOS and Android phones and get the latest prayer times at your fingertips. Keep your phone location accessible so you are automatically directed to your city's prayer timing page. You can also turn on the prayer times notifications to give you timely reminders of each prayer and even sunrise time. Similarly, if you allow our website to access your location, you will be directed to your city prayer time page. Bookmark the city to receive notifications when it's time for the prayer.
Peru is located in the west of South America and has a total population of 34 million. The majority of the population in Peru is Roman Catholic, and Muslims represent only 0.02% of the total population. Hardly 5 to 6 thousand Muslims live in the country. They are scattered throughout the country and can be mainly found in five major cities of Peru: Lima, which is the capital and largest city of Peru; Arequipa, Trujillo, Iquitos, and Cusco.
Islam was introduced in Peru in recent times. It was brought to Peru by the immigrants who came to this land for business and work opportunities. Most immigrants were from Middle Eastern countries, including Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. They brought their religion, music, tradition, and cuisine to Peru, which became part of the country.
Even though the number of Muslims in Peru is very low, there are several mosques in the country. Peru is a secular country, and Muslims are allowed to practice their religion and build mosques for their worship. Therefore, Muslims have built mosques wherever they form a small community. You can find mosques in Lima, the capital of Peru, and one or more mosques in Arequipa, Trujillo, Iquitos, and Cusco.
Few Islamic organizations in Peru serve the religious, social, and educational needs of Muslims across the country. Asociacion Islamica del Peru in Lima is a religious centre in the capital city that celebrates events, festivals, religious gatherings, and Islamic educational purposes.
The Muslims of Peru celebrate Islamic festivals with enthusiasm and promote cultural exchange, fostering unity among Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslims here celebrate the holy month of Ramadan, where iftar is also organized at mosques and community centres. On the first of Shawaal, Peru, Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, also called the Festival of Breaking the Fast, as it marks the end of Ramadan.
In the last month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha, known as the festival of sacrifice. It is celebrated to remember the act of obedience of Ibrahim (A.S) towards Allah. On this day, Muslims start their day by offering Fajr prayer before sunrise, followed by Eid prayer after sunrise. After offering prayers, Muslims participate in the ritual of sacrificing their animals and later distributing the meat among family, friends, and the less privileged.
Peru is a non-Muslim country, and hence, finding halal options can take a bit of work. You can find few options in cities where the Muslims form a community. Lima is the best city to live or visit as it is the largest capital city of Peru and has many Muslims living there. Following are the best Halal dining spots in Lima for anyone living or visiting the city:
Connect with the Muslim community in Peru and learn about their way of living and practicing Islam. Join them in religious and cultural events to learn about their lifestyle and build a strong bond. Celebrate religious events with the Muslim community to see how different their way of celebrating that event is from yours; this way, you will learn how Islamic practices can differ based on traditions, culture, and location.
MuslimandQuran.com brings you the best and most authentic Islamic resources to help you strengthen your religion. Along with Quranic verses, Hadith, and other educational resources, we also bring you Islamic Prayer times in all the countries around the world and a little background and History about those countries. Let Muslims and the Quran be your partners in strengthening your deen and helping you gain knowledge about your religion.