We bring you the most updated prayer times in the Philippines to make it easy for you to offer salah on time. On our page, you can find the most precise prayer timings for the Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers. We know the importance of the right time to offer your salah. With us, you will never have to worry about delaying or missing your salah. Open the prayer times in the Philippines page on Muslim and Quran or download our mobile application to offer your salah at the right time.
Muslim and Quran brings you the most accurate Islamic Prayer Times in the Philippines. Find prayer times for the 5 daily prayers on our website, muslimandquran.com, and our mobile application, Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times, available for iOS and Android.
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The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia, consisting of over 7 thousand islands. The country's total population is around 117 million, with the majority of the population practicing Christianity. The Philippines has the third-largest Catholic population in the world after Brazil and Mexico. Around 6% to 10% of people follow Islam and are mostly located in the southern region of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. Manila, Cotabato, Marawi, Jolo, Davao, General Santos, and Zamboanga are a few cities where the concentration of the Muslim population is higher than the other cities.
Islam was introduced to the Philippines in the 14th century through Arab, Persian, and southern Indian traders. Islam is the second largest religion in the country, and it the first major faith-based system based here. By the time Spanish explorers came to the Philippines in the 16th century, Muslim sultanates were already growing in the central part of the country. The Sultanate of Sulu was one of the earliest Muslim political entities in the region in the 15th century.
Muslim communities in the Philippines consist of different ethnic groups, including Maranao, Maguindanao, Tausug, and Yakan are a few ethnic groups. Each reflects its own culture, tradition, and language. In the Bangsamoro region, the majority of people are Muslims. Around 91% of the total population in the region follow Islam as their religion. However, some Muslims moved to other parts of the Philippines and formed small communities there.
Marawi City is officially known as the Islamic city of Marawi and is famous for handicrafts and bladed weapons. Several mosques can be found in cities, including Cotabato city, Marawi, Zamboanga, Jolo, Davao, General Santos, and Cagayan de Oro. There are many more cities and towns across Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago where the Muslims live and have established mosques.
Most of the Muslims in the Philippines belong to the Sunni sect of the religion. They celebrate all the festivals and events according to the Islamic Hijirah Calendar. They fast the entire month of Ramadan and celebrate it until the moon of Shawaal is sighted. On 1st Shawwal, Muslims of the Philippines celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr. They start their day with Fajr prayer before sunrise, and after sunrise, Eid prayer is offered in the congregation. Later, they meet their relatives and friends and enjoy a feast with them. Eid-ul-Adha, which is an event that commemorates the obedience of Prophet Ibrahim, is celebrated in the month of Dhul Hijjah. The day begins with the Fajr prayer, followed by the Eid prayer and the sacrifice of animals. The meat of the animal is then distributed among family, friends, and the less privileged.
Philippines has many places that serve halal food. It's best to check Halal certification before dining in. Many restaurants have halal certification so you know it is the right place where the food is served according to Sharia principles. Some famous food outlet names in the capital city of Manila are:
Connect with Filipino Muslims and learn about their way of living and practicing Islam. You can visit local mosques, join them in religious gatherings or seminars, or have a community get-together and learn about their ways, traditions, and religious practices. Volunteer at non-profit organizations to help local communities, gain rewards, strengthen your faith, and make a positive impact.
MuslimandQuran.com brings you an opportunity to learn about Islam and Islamic teaching by providing you with the best Islamic educational resources like Quranic Verses, Hadith, Duas, tasbihat, and so much more. You will also find the right prayer times with us, so you never have to miss your prayer ever again. With us stay connected to your deen wherever in the world you are.