Today Prayer Times in Pitcairn

Welcome to Muslim and Quran. At M&Q, we are committed to helping you stay connected with your faith by providing you with accurate prayer times and all other Islamic information you could ever need through our website and app. No matter where in the world you are or what time zone you’re in, Muslim and Quran provides you with all the reliable and accurate Islamic information you need to practice your Deen.

Today’s Islamic prayer times are available on our page for worldwide locations. Through M&Q prayer times, you will be able to access accurate and updated prayer time locations for worldwide cities and locations!

Salah is one of the pillars of Islam and is obligatory for every believer. Allah says in the Quran:

‘’If you are late in performing your service of prayer honour God by remembering Him, standing or sitting or lying on your sides. And when you have security perform your act of prayer befittingly; and praying at fixed hours is prescribed for the faithful.’’ – (4:130)

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

Salah is the most constant part of a believer’s life, irrespective of where we may be and what we may be doing. Therefore, the prayer times page at Muslim and Quran is designed to meet the needs of every Muslim who may travel often due to work or other commitments or Muslims who have recently immigrated to non-Muslim lands where they find it challenging to find accurate and reliable prayer times for their location exact locations.

With Muslim and Quran website and app, you can also bookmark the prayer timings schedule on your laptop and phone to get real-time notifications when it’s time to pray!

If you’re confused about how to find accurate prayer times for Muslim and Quran, go to our website and app and tap on the homepage. Look for the icon “prayer times” among other icons and tap. You will be automatically redirected to a webpage displaying prayer timings in your city. In case the prayer times displayed are for an incorrect location, correct your location by taping the “wrong location?” page on the top right of the same webpage!

Pitcairn Islands

The Pitcairn Islands are a group of four different islands, which include Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands. The British Overseas Territories govern the islands. The island is home to only 47 residents (the last update on the population was reported in 2021).

There are many reasons as to why the Pitcairn Islands have such a low population, and a major chunk of this can be attributed to World War II. After the war ended, many residents of the island decided to make a move to New Zealand as It was a better developed country that held more employment opportunities for a developed life.

However, due to the area's remoteness and merely 47 inhabitants, the islands do not have a minority population. However, Muslims can visit the islands as it can be considered a tourism hub. Around 10 times annually, passengers visit the Pitcairn Islands on cruise-ship-type expeditions that come ashore for a day. However, that is also largely dependent on the weather on the island.