Access Islamic prayer times in Russia at Find the most precise prayer timings for the five daily prayers in any city in Russia. Prayer is the most important part of the daily routine of a Muslim, and it is obligatory for Muslims to offer the salat on time. We provide accurate prayer times that are updated daily so you can offer your salat at the right time. Visit or download our prayer times application for timely and accurate salat times.
Muslim and Quran brings you the most accurate Islamic Prayer Times in Russia. If you are using our website and have allowed our website access to your location, you will be able to see the prayer times in your location for the 5 daily prayers on the homepage. If you haven't allowed our website access to your location, you will be able to find the prayer times in your city by following the sequence of steps given below:
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To download the prayer schedule for offline use, select prayer timings and you will automatically be directed to the page of your city prayer times. Here, you can log your daily prayer and download a monthly or yearly prayer schedule. The best way to get timely prayer times notifications and updates is by downloading the Muslim and Quran prayer times mobile application. Our app is free for download on the App Store and Play Store. Download our app, enable your location, and get prayer timings. Enable notifications to receive daily reminders for all the prayers.
Russia covers much of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world and spans across eleven time zones. It shares borders with multiple countries, from which some big names are Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, and North Korea. Russia is home to a large Muslim population. Islam is the second largest religion followed in Russia after Orthodox Christianity. Around 15% of its total population identifies as Muslim. The major cities where the majority of the population practice Islam in Russia include:
Islam was introduced to Russia in the 7th century when it started spreading in the Caucasus region during the takeover of Persia by Muslims. Today, some parts of this region are included in Russian territory. The Dagestani people were the first ones to become Muslims in the region in the 8th century after the Arabs took control of the region.
The first Muslim state in Russia was Volga Bulgaria, in the year 922. The Tartar group in the Khanate of Kazan carried on the Islamic beliefs and values from that state and a lot of Turkic peoples in Europe and the Caucasus also became followers of Islam.
Fast forward to the 1990s, more people were accepting Islam in Russia, and after the Soviet Union ended in 1991, more Muslims started to visit Mecca for Hajj. In 1995, the Union of Muslims of Russia was established and was led by Imam Khatyb Mukaddas from Tatarstan. They started a movement to promote Islam and help others understand Islam better, eliminating any negative idea about Islam in the minds of Russians.
Under the leadership of Putin, Islam is gaining popularity in Russia. In an incident of burning the Quran in Sweden, Russian President Vladimir Putin defended the Muslims and said that disrespecting the Quran or any other Holy Book is a crime in Russia. Moreover, the Russian government recognizes Islam as one of its traditional religions. While Islam is a minority religion in Russia, it is flourishing. Currently, there are around 14 million to 25 million Muslims in Russia, which is 10% to 15% of the total population of Russia.
The National Organization of Russian Muslims (NORM) represents the Muslim community in Russia. It was established in 2004 and serves as a platform for Russian Muslims to come together and address any issue relevant to their community. It aims to promote unity and cooperation among Muslims across Russia. NORM plays an important role in the well-being of the Russian Muslims, preserving Islamic Heritage and culture within the country.
Muslims of Russia celebrate all the Islamic festivals, which start with the Islamic New Year in Muharram. Later, they celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). They fast in the holy month of Ramadan, celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr on 1st Shawaal, and later in the last month of the Islamic Calendar, Muslims in Russia celebrate Eid-ul-Adha, which is known as the festival of sacrifice.
It's not easy to find Halal food options all over Russia, but in cities and districts where Muslims live in the majority, Halal dining options are readily available.
A few of the best dining options in Moscow, the capital city of Russia, are:
Connect with the Muslim community in Russia and learn what practicing Islam in the world's biggest country is like. Join them in events and religious gatherings to get to know them better and strengthen the Muslim Brotherhood. brings you the best resources to help you connect with Allah and deepen your relationship with Him. Download our app for easy access to all our Islamic educational resources and prayer timings in your city.