If you’re on the lookout for a page where you can find accurate and reliable prayer times for your location and also receive real-time notifications reminding you to offer your mandatory prayers – look no further than Muslim and Quran. On our page, we provide you with updated prayer times for worldwide locations, so you never have to miss out on any prayer.You can find your city Namaz times with complete details of Fajr time, Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, and Isha time.
To access the prayer times for your city on Muslim and Quran, we recommend downloading our mobile app. The mobile app, which is available on iOS and Android, is free to download. You get access to premium features free of charge. Once you have downloaded the mobile app, create your account and log in. In settings, select your current location. The prayer times you’re your location will be displayed on the home screen of the mobile app.
You can also find correct prayer times from the Muslim and Quran websites. Open the M&Q website, click the “prayer times” icon from the list of features, and you will be redirected to a webpage displaying accurate prayer times for your location. If you allow the website to access your location, the prayer times for the current and upcoming salah will be displayed on the homepage.
In case the location displayed is incorrect, you have the option to correct the location by clicking on the “wrong location?” link displayed at the top right corner of the same page. Make sure to turn the notifications on for timely prayer reminders!
Saint Martin is an overseas territory of the French Republic located in the West Indies in the Caribbean. The capital of the territory is Marigot. According to estimates recorded in January 2021, the island was home to around 31,500 residents. The territory includes 60% of the divided island of Saint Martin and other neighboring islands with Île Tintamarre being the largest among the islands. 40% of the territory – Sint Maarten is a constituent country of the Kingdom of Netherlands with a population amounting to almost 59,000. There is a small Muslim population present in Sint Maarten, as well as an Islamic center on the island.
The majority of the island’s population consists of immigrants who have immigrated to the island in seek of an improved socio-economic lifestyle. Therefore, the population is highly diverse and consists of a mix of residents from different religions, including Islam. Diversity is integrated into the social fabric of the island due to the mixture of different ethnic and religious backgrounds among the inhabitants of the island. However, French is the official language. However, Spanish, English, Dutch, and Papiamento are also spoken widely.
If you’re visiting the island, you may come across fellow Muslim residents in the area. You may also find halal food restaurants, but they will be rare. Unfortunately, there is no prominent mosque in the French territory of the island. There is an Islamic center located in Phillipsburg on the Dutch side of the island (Sint Marteen). This mosque serves both sides of the island and is dedicated to catering to the entire Muslim population of the island. Therefore, it would be highly convenient to visit the Sint Marteen Islamic Center in Phillipsburg.
Praying salah is one of the pillars of Islam and is obligatory for Muslims. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:
“If you are late in performing your service of prayer, honor God by remembering Him, standing or sitting or lying on your sides. And when you have security perform your act of prayer befittingly; and praying at fixed hours is prescribed for the faithful.” – (4:103)
Allah has ordered His believers to pray Fajr before sunrise, Dhuhr in the afternoon, Asr in the late afternoon, Maghrib after the sun sets, and Isha during the night time. However, Muslims, when they immigrate or visit non-Muslim countries where athan may not be called, can find it challenging to find sources they can rely on to find accurate and correct prayer times for their location. This is where Muslim and Quran comes in. We are dedicated to helping you practice your faith wherever you may be in the world.
You can check the prayer times schedule for your respective city on our page, bookmark the prayer time schedule on your desktop, and receive real-time notifications reminding you to pray on time. The solution to your problem is just a tap away!