Today Prayer Times in Venezuela

If you are traveling or moving to Venezuela, the MuslimandQuran is the best place to find the most accurate Islamic Prayer Times in Venezuela. You can find all the other information that will help you have a good time while following Sharia laws and offer your prayers on time without fearing missing or delaying them. Salah is the second pillar in Islam, after Shahada being the first, and every man and woman must offer their salah following its specific times.

Find Accurate Prayer Times with Muslim and Quran

Find the most accurate Islamic Prayer Times in Venezuela with to keep you connected with your religion, no matter where you are. Visit our website and select Prayer times from the Homepage. Ensure your location is active when you access our website or application so you are automatically directed to the prayer times page in your area. You can easily download our app on your iPhone or Android phone, to access all the Islamic resources we have provided to help you gain religious information and help you elevate your faith.

Venezuela Cities with Muslim Population

Venezuela is a country in South America, sharing its borders with Colombia, Brazil, and Guyana. The dominant religion is Christianity, which around 80% of the population follow. The total population of Venezuela is 28.84 million, according to the 2023 census, and only 1% of the population follows Islam. Most of these Muslims are immigrants from the Middle East and Sub-continent.

Caracas is the capital city of Venezuela and is a central hub for the Muslims. It also has several mosques to allow Muslims to have their designated prayer place and worship in congregation. Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim Mosque is a famous mosque and one of the largest in Latin America. Maracaibo is another city famous for having hold of the oil industry and is where many Muslims live due to the job opportunities. Other cities where you will find Muslim communities living as closed groups are Valencia, Barquisimeto, and Puerto Ordaz.

Islamic Community Services and Organizations in Venezuela

To serve and support the small population of Muslims, these are the notable organizations operating in Venezuela;

  1. Islamic Center of Venezuela - It operates from the capital city of Caracas and serves the Muslim community. It organizes religious events and provides Islamic education.
  2. Islamic Center of Maracaibo - It provides religious services for the Muslims living in the city of Maracaibo, providing them a place to worship and learn about religion.

Islamic Festivals and Events in Venezuela

Muslims in Venezuela celebrate all the events according to the Hijirah calendar. They follow the Islamic year to start their year with Muharram, followed by 12 Rabi-Awwal, when they celebrate the birth of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Ramadan is celebrated with enthusiasm, where all the Muslims fast for the entire day from sunrise to sunset and offer Taraweeh prayers after Isha salah.

Eid salah is offered in EId-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha and all the Muslim families gather and celebrate these religious festivals with harmony. Eid-ul-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and Muslims celebrate it by visiting close family and friends, enjoying the feast together and exchanging gifts.

During Eid-ul-Adha, which is celebrated in the last month of Dhil Hajjah, Muslims, after offering Eid prayers, head towards sacrificing their animals in the slaughterhouse, collect the meat, and enjoy the meals and also distribute the meat among their families friends, and the needy people.

Connect with the Muslim Community in Venezuela

Connect with the Muslim community in Venezuela and learn about their way of life and how they practice Islam living in a country where they are a minority. Join them during prayers, festivals, or religious gatherings and create a bond of brotherhood that Islam promotes.

With MuslimandQuran, you can get all the information and Islamic resources that will help you connect with your religion and help you gain your spirituality. We give you access to all the Islamic materials that will help you keep connected with the religion no matter where in the world you are. With our accurate prayer timings, you will never have to worry about your salah again. You can also bookmark your region page or enable notifications on the app to get daily reminders of each salah at the right time.