Dua For One Afflicted By Whisperings In Prayer Or Recitation

It is Satan's job to mislead believers. In Surah Al-Hijr (39), Iblis said to Allah, "My Lord! For allowing me to stray, I will surely tempt them on earth and mislead them all together." Iblis tries to make Muslims stray from the path of Islam and Allah any opportunity he gets, and what better opportunity than salah (prayers)?

Salah is a believer's direct connection with Allah Azzawajal. It is essential for the spiritual nourishment of a Momin male or female. Allah has asked Muslims to offer salah with utmost concentration, so much so that your mind should be nowhere but at the verses you are reciting and on establishing a connection with Allah. However, Iblis (Satan) tries to distract believers by whisperings that create doubt. Thus, one afflicted by whisperings in prayer or recitation may recite the dua given below to protect themselves from the shar of Iblis.

Just as there are Quranic duas for other instances, there are also prayers for one afflicted by whisperings in prayer or recitation. Also known as 'waswasah,' intrusive and distracting thoughts can occur in one's mind while praying or reciting. These thoughts prevent one from focusing and make it difficult to concentrate and pray with devotion. Reciting this dua will protect us from Iblis, allow us to offer prayer and read the Quran without waswasah, and remain firm on the path of Allah.

Etiquette of Reciting Dua For One Afflicted by Whisperings in Prayer or Recitation

When afflicted by whisperings, one must intend to seek protection against shaytan and pray for Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) to shield you and keep you steadfast in your worship. When praying for one afflicted by whisperings in prayer or recitation, seek clarity of their heart and mind so that they can fully engage in their prayers. The way to recite this supplication is to recite it three times as instructed by the Hadith in  Hisn al-Muslim 138 and blow it on your right and left.

Hisnul Muslim

For one afflicted by whisperings in prayer or recitation

Prayer Duas

أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجيمِ

'A 'oothu billaahi minash-Shaytaanir-rajeem.

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast. Then spit to your left three times.

[Hisnul 138] [Muslim 4/1729.]

Benefits of Dua For One Afflicted by Whisperings in Prayer or Recitation

Reciting dua for one afflicted by whisperings in prayer or recitation serves as a source of seeking Allah's (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) intervention and offers one a sense of serenity. This invocation helps retain focus and overcome any distracting thoughts. Prayer changes who we are and if made with full conviction. Praying for the peace of mind and heart offers clarity from the influence of negative thoughts and strengthens the ability to face any waswasah or whisperings.


There is no set time to make dua. Whenever one feels distracted, they should make this dua.
Yes, you can make this dua for someone else and ask Allah to protect them from waswasah and help them remain firm on the path of Allah.
Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) said that dua is worship. Dua is the direct and most intimate conversation of a believer with their lord.