All Duas

Dua – The art of supplication to Allah has three meanings in the Arabic language. One is to engage in Allah's praise by praising His attributes, the second is to request and beg Him to provide us with something we desire or need, and the third meaning is to call upon Him. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

Translation: "When My devotees enquire of you about Me, I am near, and answer the call of every supplicant when he calls. It behooves them to hearken to Me and believe in Me that they may follow the right path." (2:186)

The Dua section of the Muslim and Quran website and mobile application includes a wide range of dua for you to recite throughout your day while you perform your daily chores and activities. This way, you make dua and gain Allah's blessings by occupying yourself in His remembrance every day. All duas include English transliteration and translation, so you know the meaning of the dua you're making to Allah. Moreover, the etiquette, benefits, and FAQs of the dua are also discussed in detail for your convenience. References are provided with each dua to confirm its authenticity and reliability.

All Duas

167 Duas

Benefits and Virtues of Reciting Duas in Light of the Quran and Sunnah

Dua is a form of worship one can perform anywhere any time – it offers the believer an opportunity to strengthen their connection with Allah by calling upon Him and seeking His help whenever they are in need of their Lord. By turning to Allah in need, a believer reaffirms their belief in the fact that Allah alone has the power to deny or grant them whatever they may wish for. Although there is not a specified time when one must make dua in remembrance of Allah, it is recommended to start and end your day with dhikr. Allah says in the Quran:

"O you who believe, remember God a great deal and sing His praises morning and evening." – (33:41-42)

Through the duas in dhikr, we draw ourselves closer to Allah, gain strength to perform our daily tasks, and attain blessings during our day and life in general because whoever remembers Allah when he begins and ends his day with His remembrance is indeed sufficed by Him. So, if you're looking to make dhikr a part of your daily routine, remember that the best time for morning dhikr is between Fajr and sunrise, and the best time for evening dhikr is between Asr and sunset.

There are many ways for a believer to connect with His Lord, with the recitation of dhikr and duas being one of them. Remembrance of Allah brings ultimate blessings from a Muslim, including peace and tranquility of the heart. Straying far away from one's faith and the Lord and being engulfed by the forbidden and evil can cause one's heart to lose its peace, resulting in mental and spiritual spiraling. By engaging in Allah's remembrance and making an effort to get closer to Him, one can attain peace and tranquility of the mind and soul. Allah says in the Quran:

Those who believe and find peace in their hearts from the contemplation of God: Surely there is peace of heart in the contemplation of God!" (13:28)

Dhikr and making dua have been regarded as a form of worship. As a human being, it is challenging for us to attain perfection, be it in faith or other attributes which makes us vulnerable to sometimes give in to the devil and commit sins. However, at the end of the day, Allah rewards our efforts if we try to stay on the right path. Dua and dhikr have been regarded as one of the helpful ways Muslims can stick to the right path as they help one to stay away from evil.

Allah says in the Quran:

"Recite what has been revealed to you of this Book, and be constant in devotion. Surely prayer keeps you away from the obscene and detestable, but the remembrance of God is greater far, and God knows what you do." – (29:45)

It is through Allah's will that we succeed and it is through His will that we may not. However, engaging in His remembrance, especially when doing something significant brings success and prosperity. Allah says in the Quran:

"And when the service of prayer is over spread out in the land, and look for the bounty of God. and remember God a great deal that you may prosper." – (62:10)

Allah's remembrance also brings a believer His forgiveness and rewards. Allah also says in the Quran:

"Men and women who remember God a great deal, for them God has forgiveness and a great reward." – (33:35)

Tips to Incorporate Duas in Our Daily Life

If you find it challenging to establish a routine where you can recite duas every day, here are some tips to help you incorporate the remembrance of Allah into your daily life:

  • Set a reminder on your phone to help you make dua at fajr and maghrib time (morning and evening).
  • Find moments of quiet reflection throughout your day, particularly after you're done with major chores and work, to make time for solitude and recite dua.
  • Create a routine – to make dhikr and dua a habit, recite them at the same time every day, whether it's after your five daily prayers or after work.

Read Duas with Muslim and Quran

To read duas with Muslims and Quran, visit our website or application, click on the "All Duas" home page, and access the duas. With M&Q, you can also copy the dua if you want to forward it to your loved ones and highlight and bookmark the duas to help memorize them or come back to them for remembrance. Moreover, you can also add notes to the dua if there is something particular about the content you wish to remember.

You can also customize the Dua settings. For instance, click on the settings icon and choose whether you want the Arabic text, transliteration text, or translation text on or off. You can also adjust the font size to your liking to read conveniently. All duas on Muslim and Quran are authentic with their references mentioned on the page. Therefore, download the Muslim and Quran app to read duas on your smartphone.