Seeking Forgiveness and Repentance

Humans are flawed; in one way or another, everyone commits sins. Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) knows that, but He wants us to not give into the temptations of this world, and when we do, we should return to Him with all honesty and seek his forgiveness. Making dua for seeking forgiveness and repentance holds great significance. It shows one’s intention that they are seeking Allah’s kindness and mercy and that they are taking responsibility for their actions. 

Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) assures us in the Quran that "Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful"(Quran 39:53). Seeking forgiveness and repenting is an act that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasized and taught us to do as well. Narrated by Abu Hurairah, He heard Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) say, "I swear by Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) that I seek Allah's Pardon and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day" [Riyad as-Salihin 1870].

Hisnul Muslim

Seeking forgiveness and repentance

Praising Allah Duas

قال رسول الله صلى الله عيه وسلم :" والله إني لاستغفر الله وأتوب إليه في اليوم أكثر من سبعين مرة "

The Prophet (SAW) said: "By Allah, I seek the forgiveness of Allah, and repent to Him more than Seventy times in a day".

[Hisnul 248] [Al-Bukhari.]

وقال صلى الله عيه وسلم :" يا أيها الناس توبوا إلى الله فإني أتوب في اليوم إليه مائة مرةً "

The Prophet (SAW) said: "O people, repent to Allah, for I verily repent to Him one hundred times a day".

[Hisnul 249] [Muslim 4/2076.]

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الْعَظِيمَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ القَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيهِ

'Astaghfirullaahal-'Adheemal-lathee laa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoomu wa 'atoobu 'ilayhi.

I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty, Whom there is none worthy of worship except Him, the Living, the Eternal, and I repent to Him(Allah will forgive him even if he has deserted the army's ranks.)

[Hisnul 250] [Abu Dawud 2/85, At-Tirmizi 5/569, Al-Hakim.]

وقال صلى الله عيه وسلم :" أقرب ما يكون الربُّ من العبد في جوف الليل الآخر فإن استطعت أن تكون ممن يذكر الله في تلك الساعة فكن"

The Prophet (SAW) said: "The closest that the Lord comes to the slave is in the last portion of the night. So, if you are able to be among those who remember Allah in this hour, then be among them".

[Hisnul 251] [At-Tirmizi, An-Nasa'i 1/279 and Al-Hakim.]

وقال صلى الله عيه وسلم :" أقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه وهو ساجد فأكثروا الدعاء"

The Prophet (SAW) said: "The closest that the slave comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating, so invoke Allah much (in prostration)".

[Hisnul 252] [Muslim 1/350.]

وقال صلى الله عيه وسلم :" إنه ليغان على قلبي وإني لاستغفرُ الله في اليوم مائة مرة "

The Prophet (SAW) said: "Verily my heart becomes preoccupied, and verily I seek Allah's forgiveness a hundred times a day".

[Hisnul 253] [Muslim 4/2075.]


The Etiquettes of Reciting Dua for Seeking Forgiveness and Repentance

When making dua for seeking forgiveness and repentance, one must do it with genuine intention that they acknowledge what they have done wrong and that they will never repeat it. It should be made with sincerity and the intention of not making the same mistakes again. One should be remorseful of their act and should not deny their mistakes; instead, acknowledge them and pray to seek Allah's forgiveness. 

Reciting Dua for Seeking Forgiveness and Repentance Benefits 

the benefits of making dua for seeking forgiveness and repentance extend to life in this world and hereafter. It allows one to be mindful of one's actions and not repeat the same acts. When one makes dua with the genuine intention that they need Allah's forgiveness, it makes one introspective of their behavior and establishes a stronger spiritual connection. This dua can be a source of one's spiritual cleanse as it makes one consciously aware to avoid making the same mistakes.



Seek forgiveness from Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) with the genuine intention that you will not make the same mistakes again, supplicate in abundance and pray for His mercy and forgiveness.

To repent of sins, one should make dua abundantly and be involved in doing good rather than the bad. One should avoid doing any act that displeases Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) and seek forgiveness for the sins one has done.