Hadith 30022

Riyad as-Salihin

رياض الصالحين

وعن المقداد رضي الله عنه في حديثه الطويل قال: كنا نرفع للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نصيبه من اللبن، فيجيء من الليل، فيسلم تسليمًا لا يوقظ نائمًا، ويسمع اليقظان، فجاء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فسلم كما كان يُسلم. ((رواه مسلم)).

Al-Miqdad (May Allah be pleased with him) reported in course of a long Hadith:
We used to reserve for the Prophet (ﷺ) his share of the milk, and he would come at night and offer greetings in such a manner as did not disturb those asleep and was heard only by those who were awake. In fact, the Prophet (ﷺ) came and offered greetings as usual.[Muslim].

App reference: Book 6, Hadith 10

Arabic/English book reference: Book 6, Hadith 854