Riyad as-Salihin

Welcome to Muslim and Quran's comprehensive guide to Riyad as-Salihin – one of most widely known and read Ahadith books worldwide. The book is a selection of Ahadith compiled by Yayha Bin Sharaf Al-Nawawi from Damascus. The book magnificently preserves the sayings and actions of the beloved Holy Prophet (ﷺ). With Muslim and Quran, you can embark on a journey of reading and learning all about Islamic morals, manners, and acts of worshipping Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). Islam encourages all human beings, especially believers, to seek knowledge. Learning more about the Prophet Muhammad, his sunnah, and Islam is the best way to become a better Muslim.

At Muslim and Quran, we are committed to making your experience of Islamic reading and learning convenient and simple. Search and read authentic hadiths in the Riyad as-Salihin with the help of our app's user-friendly navigation tools and easy-to-search database. Whether you're an Islamic studies student, a future scholar, or simply curious about Islamic teachings and literature – Muslim and Quran is here to facilitate your learning experience.

Join us on our journey as we pursue the timeless knowledge and truth embedded within the pages of Riyad as-Salihin.

Riyad as-Salihin

رياض الصالحين

Riyad as-Salihin is a selection of hadith compiled by Al-Nawawi. It is one of the most widely known and read books of hadith, containing 1,896 hadith on ethics, worship, knowledge, manners, which are attributed to Muhammad (ﷺ) by Muslim scholars but not found in the Quran.

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About Riyad as-Salihin

Riyad as-Salihin, also known as the Meadows of Righteous, is a compilation of Ahadith by Al-Nawawi. The Hadith are from the classification of canonical Arabic compilations of Islamic ethics, morals, and acts of worship. The book contains a total of 1,896 Ahadith on the above-mentioned topics that the Prophet (ﷺ) wished to pass onto his Ummah but are not mentioned directly in the Quran.

Riyad-as Salihin is divided into 20 sections with each section covering Hadith on a different topic. The book is known to include one of the most reliable and authentic collections of Hadith. However, Riyad as-Salihin is not entirely devoid of weak Hadith – there is a short number of Hadith considered relatively weak in the book.

Hadith are integral to the Quran as the two are linked to each other. The Hadiths of the Prophet (ﷺ) are an essential source to enable Muslims to better understand the content of the verses mentioned in the Quran. Riyad as-Salihin, too, was compiled to study the Ahadith to translate the teachings of the Quran into Sunnah.

The book gives its readers an insight into learning about essential qualities in relation to manners, ethics, and code of conduct that a believer must follow. Moreover, they're detailed recollections of the life of the Prophet, his companions, and the teachings and actions the Prophet wished for his Ummah to follow to become better as Muslims and human beings.

About Al-Nawawi

Abu Zakariyya Yayha Ibn Sharaf Al-Nawawi (October 1230 – December 1277), widely known as Imam Nawawi, was a Sunni hadith scholar and jurist who followed the Shafi'I school of thought. He was born in Nawa near Damascus, Syria. Showing signs of high intelligence from a young age, he was enrolled in education by his father and studied in Damascus till the age of 18.

He later settled in Damascus as a private scholar. Al Nawawi has been known to study from more than 20 teachers during his stay in the city with a majority of his teachers being experts in the respective disciplines they taught him. Al Nawawi studied Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, its fundamentals, syntax, and Etymology.

According to Shams Ad-Din adh Dhahabi, his love for his academics bought him great fame. He was devoted to reading and writing but also spent his time contemplating and finding solutions to complex issues. He wrote a minimum of 50 books in his lifetime on Islamic studies and other topics. Unfortunately, Al Nawawi lived a short life and passed away at the age of 45 due to an illness.

Structure of Riyad as Salihin

With a total of 1,896 Ahadith divided into 20 chapters, Riyad as Salihin is a comprehensive, well-organized guide to a believer who wants to understand and apply the wisdom of the Prophet to his or her life. The assortment of the content in the book is simply organized and enables readers to easily find any topic within the collection.

The book is relatively unique to other Ahadith books as it is centered around Islamic morals and ethics. The manual is essential for every Muslim – young or old with the amount of comprehensive knowledge it entails. The Ahadith in the book are chosen from major Hadith collections that guarantee reliability and authenticity.

Explanation of Key Terms

Some of the terms you may come across while exploring Riyad as Salihin may be challenging to understand. These include:

  • Al-Niyyeh: al-niyyah is an Islamic concept that refers to the intention in one's heart and soul to perform an act or utter a word for the sake of Allah.
  • Al-Riyaa: al-riyaa is to show off or to do good deeds and actions for the sake of popularity, display power, and become desirable.
  • Al-Tawbah al-Nasooha refers to sincere repentance of one's sins and wrongdoings.

Muslim and Quran – Guide to the Website and Application

You can access any Hadith book of your choice at the Muslim and Quran website and application. At the home page, click on the Hadith collection section, pick the Hadith book you want to read, and you will have immediate access to all the chapters of the book with their respective names on the page.

Legal and Ethical Considerations – Riyad as-Salihin

Several qualified scholars have regarded the majority of the Ahadith in the book as reliable and authentic.

The book has been published by different publishers depending on your location and, therefore, may be subject to different ethical and legal considerations such as copyright, usage rights, and restrictions. For more information regarding the legal and ethical concerns, contact the local publishers in your location that publish and distribute Riyad as-Salihin.