Hajj Guide, Rituals & Procedure

MuslimandQuran.com brings you a comprehensive Hajj guide that explains the rituals and procedures required to perform Hajj. In this comprehensive guide, we provide an in-depth explanation of the rituals and procedures for each day of Hajj, from the 8th of Zil Hijjah to the 13th. This guide will help you understand every step of the pilgrimage, ensuring you can perform each ritual with confidence and devotion.

Select the cards below to read detailed information about the arkaan, wajibaat, and sunnah for each day of Hajj. Additionally, scroll down to explore the following sections:

  • What is Hajj? A Detailed Explanation 
  • Hajj in the Light of the Quran and Hadith
  • The Types of Hajj - Al-Ifrad, Al-Qiran and Al-Tamattu
  • The Conditions of Hajj – Men and Women
  • The Jurisprudence and Conditions of Hajj – Arkaan, Wajibaat and Sunnah
  • How to Prepare for Hajj - Physical and Spiritual Preparations

What is Hajj?

Hajj is one of the five basic elements of Islam, more commonly known as the "pillars of Islam." While the other four essentials of Islam, Tawheed, Salah, Fasting, and Almsgiving, have to be performed regularly and repeatedly throughout life, the performance of Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime if one has the material means. Another difference between Hajj and other basics of Islam is that Hajj has to be performed exclusively at the Ka'aba, situated in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, whereas the other 4 arkaan can be done anywhere. Hajj is only obligatory once in a lifetime for those who are physically and financially able to do it. So, for those who cannot afford the expenses of Hajj or are physically unfit, the performance of Hajj is not compulsory.

Hajj Days

Hajj is performed on specific dates in the Islamic month of Zil-Hajj. It is the Islamic date system's last (12th) month, known as the Hijri Calendar. Hajj starts on the 8th Zil-Hajj and ends on the 13th Zil-Hajj. Each day is designated for a specific ritual that must be performed sequentially. Since the Islamic calendar is based on the sighting of the moon at the start of every month, it keeps on revolving throughout the Gregorian date System; hence, Hajj may fall in different months. Hajj 2024 is on the 14th of June 2024 and will end on the 19th of June 2024.

Hajj in the Light of the Quran and Hadith

Hajj is one of Islam's five pillars. The Quran emphasizes the importance of the Quran multiple times. The word Hajj is mentioned in eight verses of the Quran in different Surahs. However, the word Hajj and its concept from different perspectives can be found 26 times. The topic of Hajj is discussed in the Quran at the following places:

  • Surah Al-Baqarah: Verse Number 125, 158, 189, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201 and 203
  • Surah Al-Imran:  Verse Number 96 and 97
  • Surah Al-Maida: Verse Number 1, 2, 94, 95 and 96
  • Surah Tawba: Verse Number 2, 36 and 37
  • Surah Hajj: Verse Number 26, 27, 28, 29, 33 and 36
  • Surah Al-Fath: Verse Number 27

The verses about Hajj in Surah Al-Baqarah specifically explain different rituals of Hajj and how Muslims should perform Hajj. Its 125th verse explains the importance of Maqam-e-Ibrahim and Tawaf.

Translation Surah Al-Baqarah verse 125 - Remember, We made the House (of Ka'bah) a place of congregation and safe retreat, and said: "Make the spot where Abraham stood the place of worship;" and enjoined upon Abraham and Ismael to keep Our House immaculate for those who shall walk around it and stay in it for contemplation and prayer, and for bowing in adoration.

The 158th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah speaks about Sai.

Translation - Indeed, ˹the hills of˺ Ṣafa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. So whoever makes the major or minor pilgrimage to the ˹Sacred˺ House,2 let them walk between ˹the two hills˺. And whoever does good willingly, Allah is truly Appreciative, All-Knowing

The 196th verse of this surah is about the ritual of shaving off the head and sacrificing animals. It also explains the penalties that one has to face if any of the rituals cannot be performed. The combined performance of Hajj and Umrah is also explained here.  

Translation - Complete the pilgrimage and minor pilgrimage for Allah. But if prevented ˹from proceeding˺, then ˹offer˺ whatever sacrificial animals you can afford. And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal reaches its destination. But if any of you is ill or has a scalp ailment ˹requiring shaving˺, then compensate either by fasting, charity, or a sacrificial offering. In times of peace, you may combine the pilgrimage and minor pilgrimage then make the sacrificial offering you can afford. Whoever cannot afford that ˹offering˺, let them fast three days during pilgrimage and seven after returning ˹home˺—completing ten. These offerings are for those who do not live near the Sacred House. And be mindful of Allah, and know that Allah is severe in punishment.

The importance of Hajj is also emphasized in many Hadith. Hadith number 1521 of Sahih Bukhari tells the significance of Hajj as a source of absolving a person's sins in a way as if he is just taken a new birth.

Translation - "Whoever performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were born anew."

Another hadith highlights the significance of those who perform Hajj by placing them in the same ranks as those who fight in the way of Allah and return alive.

Translation - Abu Hurairah said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'The guests of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, are three: The warrior, the pilgrim performing Hajj, and the pilgrim performing 'Umrah.'" Sunan an-Nasa'i 3121

Many other Hadith references can be found in credible Hadith Books that emphasize the importance of Hajj and Umrah. The conclusion is that Hajj is one of the 5 basics principles of Islam and Muslims must perform Hajj once in their life if they have the means to do so. 

Types Of Hajj

Hajj is of three different types, Hajj-Al-Ifrad, Hajj-Al-Qiran and Hajj-Al-Tamattu. Here's a brief description of each type of Hajj:


The simplest of all the three types of Hajj is known as Hajj-Al-Ifrad. This type of Hajj is not combined with Umrah; hence, it is also called "Isolated Hajj." Usually, this type of Hajj is performed by the residents of Mecca and adjoining areas (within the Meeqat boundaries). This is the simplest type of Hajj.

Main Features of Hajj-Al-Ifrad

  • The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ performed this type of Hajj, as quoted in Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith # 2966. It was narrated from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) performed Hajj Ifrad (Single Hajj).
  • A person performing Hajj Al-Ifrad is called "Mufrid."
  • Mufrid can only perform Hajj and cannot combine it with Umrah.
  • If a person has performed Umrah during the months of Shawwal, Ze-Qa'ad, or Zil-Hajj, they will not be referred to as Mufrid and will become ineligible for performing Hajj-Al-Ifrad.
  • In that case, they must perform either Hajj Al-Qiran or Al-Tamattu.
  • For Hajj Al-Ifrad, Hajis must make intentions exclusively for Hajj Al-Ifrad.
  • A Mufrid has to enter the state of Ihram while reaching any of the Meeqat points.
  • On reaching Masjid Al-Haram, they must offer two Rakahs Prayer at Maqam-e-Ibrahim (if possible).
  • Then, they must perform Tawaf and Sai.
  • In Hajj Al-Ifrad, male Hajis do not need to cut their hair or shave their head.
  • All Hajjaj must stay in the state of Ihram until they perform stoning at Jamarat. 
  • Hajis are not required to sacrifice an animal, but they can do it if they wish.
  • Hajis must follow all the rituals required on the days of Hajj.

Hajj Al-Qiran

Hajj Al-Qiran is for people living away from Mecca (outside the boundaries of Meeqat). The people living within Mecca are not allowed to perform this type of Hajj. Qiran means "combining two things". So, this type of Hajj is a combination of Hajj and Umrah. This allows pilgrims from far distances to perform Umrah and Hajj simultaneously in one visit.

Main Features of Hajj Al-Qiran

  • The person performing this type of Hajj is called "Qarin."
  • Qarin must enter the state of Ihram while reaching any of the Meeqat points.
  • On reaching Masjid-Al-Haram, they will perform Umrah and then Hajj during the Hajj days.
  • Qarin cannot leave Ihram after performing Umrah. They must perform Hajj in the same Ihram.
  • Qarin can perform Umrah in the months of Shawwal, Ze-Qa'ad, or Zil Hajj, but it is recommended to do so in the first days of Zil-Hajj, just before the start of Hajj days. This is important because they must perform Umrah and Hajj in the same Ihram.
  • The process of Umrah comprises two rakah prayers at Maqam-e-Ibrahim (if possible), followed by Tawaf and Sai, and then drinking Zam Zam water.
  • After the performance of Umrah, Qarin are not required to cut their hair or shave off their head. This ritual will be performed after the Hajj.
  • After performing Umrah, they must follow the Hajj rituals on the Hajj days, along with all other Pilgrims, including stoning at Jamarat and sacrificing animals.

Hajj Al-Tamattu

This is the most common type of Hajj performed by most Muslims. The meaning of Tamattu is "Enjoyment". Hence, the pilgrim benefits from the flexibility in the Ihram, Umrah, and Hajj conditions. Unlike the Hajj Al-Qiran, the Pilgrim is at liberty to perform Umrah on arrival in Mecca and then leave the state of Ihram until the Hajj days.

Main Features of Hajj Al-Tamattu

  • The person performing Hajj Al-Tamattu is called "Mutamatti."
  • This type of Hajj comprises Umrah followed by Hajj during the Hajj days.
  • The Mutamatti can perform Umrah anytime during the months of Shawwal, Ze-Qa'ad, or Zil-Hajj.
  • After the performance of Umrah, Mutamatti is allowed to leave the state of Ihram and continue their other worship in Mecca and Medina in a normal but modest dress.
  • They will, however, have to make sure of their presence in Mecca to start the Hajj proceedings on the 8th of Zil-Hajj, along with all other pilgrims.

Umrah with Hajj 

The persons intending to perform Hajj Al-Tamattu or Hajj Al-Qiran are required to perform Umrah before Hajj. The detailed process of Umrah is available in the Umrah Guide.

Preparing for Hajj

Hajj is a very important event in the life of a Muslim. It is a sacred journey that needs lots of physical and spiritual preparation. Here are the important steps to follow to prepare yourself for Hajj.

Physical And Material Preparations for Hajj

Traveling to Mecca for the Hajj performance is a lifetime experience. It is entirely a religious journey; hence, it needs some special preparations.

  • Prepare mentally: The first and foremost important thing is your intention. If you intend to go for Hajj, you must prepare mentally. Work out the financial affordability. Consider your physical and health conditions. Consider all these factors thoughtfully and see if you are prepared to step in.
  • Gather travel documents: You must have a valid passport to travel to Saudi Arabia for Hajj. A passport should be valid for at least 6 months from the date of traveling.
  • Hajj Scheme: In most cases, Hajj is organized at the Government level. Additionally, various Countries, including Pakistan, have authorized some private tour operators to manage Hajj operations. Here, you need to decide which mode suits you. If you opt for the Government Hajj scheme, you will have to apply for it in a timely, as per the schedule announced by the government. For a private Hajj scheme, the selection of an appropriate Hajj Operator is crucial. Choose the well-reputed and experienced Hajj Operator.
  • Vaccinations: Corona vaccination is no longer required for the performance of Hajj. However, polio vaccination is mandatory for travelers from Pakistan. 
  • Physical fitness: The performance of Hajj needs extra effort. It involves a lot of walking and physical exertion. Although one has to be physically fit all the time, you must ensure it well before starting your sacred journey to Saudi Arabia for Hajj. Practice as much walking as you can. This will help you a lot in performing various rituals during the Hajj.
  • Essential items: Your stay in Saudi Arabia would take around 30 to 40 days. So, make sure that all essential items of daily use are packed carefully. Make a list of items and start collecting them. But be careful to keep the total weight of your luggage to the minimum possible. Consider weather conditions while choosing your dresses. Normally, the weather in Saudi Arabia is hot; hence, light clothing should be the appropriate choice. And don't forget to pack your medicines if you take some as a routine.
  • Avoid prohibited items: Items such as arms and drugs are strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia. Never take risks with any such thing. The rules are very strict in such matters. And above that, you are traveling with a religious intention; hence, no such items should be in your luggage.

Spiritual Preparation

Getting materially and physically prepared for Hajj is important, but spiritual preparation is even more crucial. Spiritual motivation and devotion are the basic requirements when preparing yourself for Hajj. Just envision that you are traveling to the Baitullah (home of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) to perform a very special kind of worship, perhaps for the first and the last time; hence preparations also need to be super-special.

Let's explore what you need to do for spiritual preparation:

1. Purity of Intention (Niyyah)

As for every form of worship in Islam, making an intention is very important; the same applies to Hajj. The first step towards preparations for Hajj is making Niyyah (intention). Make it clear in your heart and soul that you intend to go on pilgrimage, a very special type of worship. There should be no other motivation behind this venture except for the fulfillment of religious obligation and pleasing Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. There should be no ill-motivation, such as impressing others with your wealth or exhibiting your piety. The only intention must be to please Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and fulfill your religious duty.

2. Pray for Assistance from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى

Nothing happens in our lives, without the will of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. So, when preparing yourself for this most sacred event, one must request and appeal from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى to shower His blessings and give us courage and resources to perform Hajj. Sincerely and devotedly seek His assistance and guidance so that the hurdles are removed, and difficulties eased, enabling us to proceed and complete the Hajj rituals perfectly with all its etiquette.

3. Pray for Forgiveness from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى 

Before starting life's most sacred journey, one must confess the previous sins and wrongdoings. Apologize and regret for all that has been done wrong and resolve that these will not be repeated. Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى likes the true repentance and is always willing to forgive us. However, expressing repentance and assuring not to repeat the wrongful acts in the future is the basic requirement while seeking forgiveness from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى.

4. Forgiveness from Family and Friends

In addition to seeking forgiveness from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى, we should also seek forgiveness from our close family members and friends. The concept of Huququllah and Huququl Ibad (Rights of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and rights of people) is of much importance in Islam. Hadith, narrated in the Sahi Muslim at serial number 2563d, speaks about the importance of keeping good relations with extended family and friends.

Translation - Don't sever relations of kinship, don't bear enmity against one another, don't bear aversion against one another, and don't feel envy against the other and live as fellow-brothers as Allah has commanded you.

So, while proceeding to Hajj, one must seek forgiveness from friends and family for whatever wrong has been done, intentionally or unintentionally, while dealing with them in due course of time. Sincerely do that, as you are going to present yourself in front of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى, so you must be there with clear hands.

5. Make up the Missed Prayers and Fasting

Ideally, one shouldn't have missed any compulsory prayers and fasts. However, there might be some lapses on our part. So, make a strong intention to make up all the missed prayers and fasting before proceeding to Hajj. Though it may not be practically possible, Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى is well aware of our intentions. Since effort is a must, leaving rest to the mercy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى.

6. Pay Off Debts and Return Amanah (Trust)

It is mandatory to pay off your debts before proceeding to the Hajj. Similarly, if someone has kept some of his belongings with you as an Amanah (Trust), you must return them. These two acts must be done sincerely, especially paying off the debts.

7. Perform Hajj with Rightfully Earned Money (Halal Money)

Islam teaches us to earn money through rightful resources and deeds. Hajj is one of the most important forms of worship. Traveling for Hajj involves quite a huge amount of money. So, ensure you perform Hajj with purely lawful and Halal money. Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى has not made Hajj compulsory for those who cannot afford it financially; hence, there is no logic behind performing this sacred worship with wrongfully or illegally earned money. This will defeat the very purpose of this blessed journey.

The Conditions of Hajj

Hajj is mandatory for all Muslims, being one of the five basic elements of Islam. But unlike other basics of Islam, Hajj is an obligation only once in a lifetime. But as mentioned in the 286th Verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى does not put a burden on anyone who is not capable of bearing it.

Translation - Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be for its own loss.

So, the same relaxation applies in the case of the performance of Hajj. It has been made compulsory for every Muslim, but with certain conditions. Only the ones fulfilling these conditions are required to perform Hajj; others are not. The conditions are as follows:

Must be a Muslim – A Believer of Islam

Hajj is mandatory for those who are believers. This condition applies to every worship and all religious acts required by Islam. So, the first and foremost condition for performing Hajj is being a Muslim and a believer in Islam. As explained in the Hadith number 1783 of Sunan Ibn Majah, all Islamic religious acts apply to the people who first accept Islam.

Translation - the Prophet send Muadh to Yemen, and said: "You are going to some people among the People of the Book. Call them to bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that I am the messenger of Allah. If they obey that, then tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them five prayers every day and night. If they obey that, then tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them charity (Zakat) from their wealth, to be taken from the rich and given to their poor. If they obey that, then beware of (taking) the best of their wealth. And beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between and Allah."

The same concept is explained in the 54th Verse of Surah Al-Tawba.

Translation - And what prevented their donations from being accepted is that they have lost faith in Allah and His Messenger, they never come to prayer except half-heartedly, and they never donate except resentfully

So, in the light of these references, Hajj, also being one of the worship and basic elements of Islam, is obligatory on a person who believes in Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and His Messenger Muhammad ﷺ.


Hajj is obligatory for adult Muslims, men, and women. Hence maturity is the second condition that makes the Hajj compulsory for a person. Minors and infants, though not prohibited from accompanying their parents during Hajj, do not come under the obligation of performing Hajj. This is also applicable in the case of other worships, such as salat and som, for minors, although they are allowed to do such acts if they have the capacity. Hadith 3432 of Sunan An-Nasai explains the three persons are not obliged to perform any religious activity.

Translation - The pen has been lifted from three: From the sleeper until he wakes up, from the minor until he grows up, and from the insane until he comes back to his senses or recovers.


As mentioned in the above Hadith, an insane person is not obliged to perform a religious activity unless they regain their senses. Hence, the third condition that makes Hajj obligatory to a person is being mentally sound.

Capability (Financial, Physical)

Another condition for being obliged to perform Hajj is the ability to do so, both physically and financially. As explained above, Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى does not put a burden on anyone who is not capable of doing so. This is also specifically mentioned for Hajj in the 97th Verse of Surah Al-Imran.

Translation - In it are clear signs and the standing-place of Abraham. Whoever enters it should be safe. Pilgrimage to this House is an obligation by Allah upon whoever is able among the people. And whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is not in need of ˹any of His˺ creation.

The scholars explain that "being able" in this Verse applies to a person's physical and financial ability to perform the Hajj. Physical ability means that a person should be able to travel to Mecca and perform the Hajj rituals without difficulty. Financial ability means one should have enough resources to travel from their hometown to Mecca and return. It also means that he/she should have reasonable resources to meet the daily expenses while in Mecca for the performance of Hajj. However, the condition also applies to Halal's financial resources (religiously lawful earnings). Any money earned unlawfully and by violating Islamic teachings cannot be spent for Hajj.

Safe Transit

It should be safe enough for a person intending to travel to Mecca for Hajj. Muslims living in a country with a political and law and order situation that does not allow free movement are not obligated to go for Hajj. Ensuring the safety of one's life is the utmost duty of a Muslim. Therefor, it is not mandatory to go for Hajj in situations of turmoil. Muslims in such situations can delay their pilgrimage until the situation is under control or postpone it indefinitely. Recently, such a situation arose worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even the government of Saudi Arabia didn't allow entry into the country for the Hajj.

Additional Conditions of Hajj for Women

Apart from the above-mentioned conditions, there are a couple of conditions specific to women. They cannot perform Hajj if any of the following conditions are not met:

Necessity of Mehram

Women are not allowed to perform Hajj unless they are accompanied by their Mehram. This matter is explicitly mentioned in Hadith Number 1862 of Sahih Al-Bukhari and many other Hadiths as well:

Translation - The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A woman should not travel except with a Dhu-Mahram (her husband or a man with whom that woman cannot marry at all according to the Islamic Jurisprudence), and no man may visit her except in the presence of a Dhu-Mahram." A man got up and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I intend to go to such and such an army and my wife wants to perform Hajj." The Prophet (ﷺ) said (to him), "Go along with her (to Hajj)

Hence, it is very clear that women cannot go for Hajj without a Mehram. And who is a Mehram is also explained in the above referred Hadith. This is a very important condition that every woman should comply with while going for Hajj. Unfortunately, some women intentionally violate this condition and declare a man as her Mehram, who is actually not. This should be avoided. After all you are going for a sacred and most important religious activity, so trying to escape this condition is not a good practice.

Iddah Period

The iddah period is a specific period that a woman needs to observe in case of the death of her husband or in case of divorce. She needs to remain confined to her place, where she was at the time of the death of her husband, to complete the Iddah period. Or she can go to her family in case of divorce to observe the Iddah Period.

The Iddah period is specifically mentioned as four months and ten days in the 234th Verse of Surah Al-Baqarah:

Translation - As for those of you who die and leave widows behind, let them observe a waiting period of four months and ten days.

The Iddah period is also mentioned as four months and ten days in different Hadiths. Hadith number 3543 of Sunan An-Nasai explains it as under:

Translation - And those of you who die and leave behind wives should bequeath for their wives a year's maintenance and residence without turning them out." This was abrogated by the Verse on inheritance, which allocated to her one-quarter or one-eighth. And the appointed time ('Iddah) of one year was abrogated and replaced with the ('Iddah) term of four months and ten days

A woman is not allowed to go out of her home during the Iddah period. Hence, she is not allowed to proceed for Hajj during this period of Iddah. She should postpone her Hajj for the next year while fulfilling other conditions, such as being accompanied by a Mehram.

The Jurisprudence of Hajj

All the rituals have to be performed sequentially and, even more importantly, at the correct time. Below is the detail of the arkaan, wajibaat, and sunnah of Hajj.

Arkaan of Hajj

As said earlier, Hajj comprises a series of rituals that need to be performed in the correct sequence and in the prescribed places while observing the allowed time slot. It comprises of 7 essentials or Arkaan:

  1. Entering the State of Ihram and making intention – The first and foremost step for any intending pilgrim is to enter the State of Ihram and make an intention (Niyyah). Ihram for men comprises two unstitched sheets of plain white cloth. Women can wear their normal dress, but it is better to wear an Abaya to cover their entire body. After wearing the Ihram, they are required to make an intention for Hajj. It is compulsory for the intending Hajjis to wear Ihram before crossing the Meeqat point that makes the outer boundaries of Mecca. 
  2. Stay at Mina – After reaching Masjid Al-Haram, Hajjis are required to perform Umrah (depending on the type of Hajj they are going to perform). Umrah comprises of Tawaf and Sai. Then, on the 8th of Zil Hajj, they proceed to Mina so as to reach there before the time of Duhr Prayers. They are required to stay here till the Fajr prayers on the next day.
  3. Wuquf-e-Arafat – After performing Fajr Prayers at Mina on the 9th of Zil Hajj, the pilgrims proceed to the plains of Arafat. Here the main ritual of Hajj (Rukn-e-Azam) is performed, known as Wuquf-a-Arafat. They listen to the Khutba-e-Hajj at Masjid Nimra and perform Duhr and Asr Prayers combined. Then, after sunset, they proceeded to Muzdalifah.
  4. Night Stay at Muzdalifah – On reaching Muzdalifah, they offer combined prayers of Maghrib and Isha. They stay overnight at this place. Here they also collect pebbles for stoning at the Jamarat on the next days of Hajj. On the next day (10th of Zil Hajj), they are required to perform Fajr Prayers at Muzdalifah well before sunrise and then proceed back to Mina for the next Hajj Rituals.
  5. Rami – The next Rukan of Hajj is to perform Rami at Jamarat. This part of the Hajj will be spread over the next three days. This has to be done in the correct order and at the prescribed times on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of Zil Hajj. 
  6. Hady - After Rami on the 10th of Zil Hajj, they are required to perform Hady, sacrificing animals. This is, again, a very important and compulsory part of Hajj. It is better to do it on the 10th of Zil Hajj, but it is allowed to be performed till the 12th of Zil Hajj. This can either be performed at Mina or at Mecca at the convenience of the pilgrim. After this important step, the Pilgrims are required to perform Halq or Taqseer, which means shaving off the head or cutting hair. Facilities for Halq and Taqseer are available at Mecca and Mina. After performing this ritual, the pilgrims are allowed to leave the state of Ihram. 
  7. Tawaf-e-Wida (Farewell Tawaf) – This is the final Rukan of Hajj. After Hady and Halq, the pilgrims are required to proceed to Masjid Al-Haram to do the farewell Tawaf. With that, the process of Hajj is completed.

Wajibat of Hajj

The wajibaat of Hajj are as under:

  • Stay at Muzdalifah
  • Sai between the hills of Safa and Marwa
  • Rami at Jamarat
  • Hady, sacrificing an animal
  • Halq or Taqseer, shaving off the head
  • Tawaf-e-Wida (Farewell Tawaf)

The above rituals of Hajj are referred to as Wajibaats of Hajj. Wajib is an act that is necessary to be performed. However, the inability to do it correctly does not invalidate the Hajj but is liable for Damm (Penalty).

Sunnah of Hajj

Sunnah is an act that every Muslim needs to follow. These are the acts of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, which he used to do out of the fard and wajib acts. Many such sunnahs can be performed during Hajj. Here are some of them:

  • Take an Islamic Bath (Ghusl) and use perfumes before entering the state of Ihram.
  • Talbiya
  • Tawaf e Qudum
  • Stay at Mina till the Fajr prayers
  • Spending the night at Muzdalifah
  • Supplicating at Al-Mash'ar Al-Haram
  • Spending the Nights of the Days of Tashriq at Mina

Hajj Violations and Penalties

Violations of any of the compulsory acts or restrictions are liable for penalties, such as violations of restrictions of Ihram. The penalties are of three types:

  1. Badanah – Sacrificing a big animal, such as a cow or camel
  2. Damm – Sacrificing a small animal, such as a sheep
  3. Sadaqah – Charity to poor

Acts of Violations and Penalties Required

Here's a brief list of violations and penalties against it:

  • Entering Meeqat without Ihram – Damm
  • Apply perfume on clothes or body while in the state of Ihram–Damm
  • To wear clothes that have been dyed in saffron or safflower for 12 hours or more – Damm
  • Touching Hajr e Aswad for a long time so that its fragrance is transferred onto the hands or face of the pilgrim – Damm
  • Using products that are scented – Damm
  • Application of Hena – Damm
  • Wearing stitched clothes – Damm
  • Wearing prohibited footwear – Damm
  • Covering head or face  - Damm
  • If the head or face is covered accidentally while sleeping – Sadaqah
  • Removing a quarter or more of the hair on the head or beard – Damm
  • Removing hair from thigh, ankle, or shoulder – Sadaqah
  • Cutting hair by women before intending to leave Ihram – Damm
  • Clipping all the nails in one go – Damm
  • Clipping less than five nails in one go – Sadaqah
  • Sexual relations while in Ihram – Damm
  • Sexual relations anywhere between Wuquf e Arafat and before cutting the hair – Badanah
  • Sexual relations by a Qarin after Tawaf al-Umrah and Wuquf in Arafat, but before Halq / Taqsir and Tawaf al-Ziyarah – One Badanah and one Damm
  • Sexual relations by a Qarin after Tawaf al-Umrah but before Wuquf in Arafat – Two Damms
  • For Tawaf e Umrah. To perform even one circuit in a state of major ritual impurity that may require Ghusl or being in menstruation phase or without Wudhu – Damm
  • For Tawaf e Qudum. Omitting four or more circuits without a valid reason – Damm
  • To perform Tawaf e Qudum or Tawaf e Nafl, without wudu for less than four circuits – One Sadaqah for each circuit
  • To use a wheelchair or any other conveyance without a valid reason for performing Tawaf for four or more circuits – Damm
  • To perform the Tawaf e Ziyarah in a state of major ritual impurity that requires Ghusl or being in a state of menstruation or after childbirth – Badanah
  • Walking through Hateem during Tawaf – Damm
  • To omit the entire Tawaf e Wida – Damm
  • To omit the entire Sai – Damm
  • To omit four or more circuits of Sai without a valid reason – Damm
  • Not following the correct sequence of rituals on the 10th Zil Hajj – Damm
  • Delaying sacrificing animals beyond sunset on the 12th of Zil Hajj – Damm
  • If someone is unable to perform Hady due to financial reasons – Fasting for 30 days
  • Perform Halq outside the boundaries of Haram – Damm
  • Leaving the boundary of Arafat for Muzdalifah before sunset on the 9th Zil Hajj – Damm
  • Directly proceeding from Arafat to Mina without performing Wuquf in Muzdalifah – Damm
  • Violation of timings of compulsory night stay at Muzfalifah – Damm
  • Omitting Rami for one or more days – Damm
  • Performance of Hady before Rami on 10th of Zil Hajj – Damm
  • Rami after sunset on the 13th of Zil Hajj – Damm