Verse. 2614

٢٢ - ٱلْحَجّ

22 - Al-Hajj

ھٰذٰنِ خَصْمٰنِ اخْتَصَمُوْا فِيْ رَبِّہِمْ۝۰ۡ فَالَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا قُطِّعَتْ لَہُمْ ثِيَابٌ مِّنْ نَّارٍ۝۰ۭ يُصَبُّ مِنْ فَوْقِ رُءُوْسِہِمُ الْحَمِيْمُ۝۱۹ۚ
Hathani khasmani ikhtasamoo fee rabbihim faallatheena kafaroo quttiAAat lahum thiyabun min narin yusabbu min fawqi ruoosihimu alhameemu


Ahmed Ali

These two (believers and unbelievers) are disputants, who contend about their Lord. But they who disbelieve will be fitted out with garments of flames. Boiling water will be poured down over their heads



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (these twain) these are the adherents of two religions among the muslims, jews and christians (are two opponents who contend concerning their lord) concerning he religion of their lord; one of them saying: i have a better right to allah and his religion. and so allah judged between the two. allah said: (but as for those who disbelieve) in muhammad (pbuh) and in the qur'an, i.e. the jews and christians (garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid) boiling water (will be poured down on their heads.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : these twain are two contenders, that is, the believers constitute one contending party, and the five [categories of] disbelievers constitute the other contending party (the term [khasm, ‘contender’] may be used to refer to one or many) who contend concerning their lord, that is to say, concerning his religion. as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, [garments] which they will wear — meaning that the fire will encompass them — and boiling water will be poured over their heads, [hamīm is] water that has reached an extreme temperature,

Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi

تفسير : (these twain (the believers and disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their lord…) [22:19]. abu 'abd allah muhammad ibn ibrahim al-muzakki informed us> 'abd al-malik ibn al-hasan ibn yusuf> yusuf ibn ya'qub al-qadi> 'umar ibn marzuq> shu'bah> abu hashim> abu majlaz> qays ibn 'ubad who reported that he heard abu dharr say: “i swear by allah that this verse (these twain (the believers and disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their lord) was revealed about the following six: hamzah, 'ubaydah, 'ali ibn abi talib, 'utbah, shaybah, and al-walid ibn 'utbah”. this was narrated by bukhari from hajjaj ibn minhal from hushaym from abu hashim. abu bakr ibn al-harth informed us> abu'l-shaykh al-hafiz> muhammad ibn sulayman> hilal ibn bishr> yusuf ibn ya'qub>> sulayman al-taymi> abu majlaz> qays ibn 'ubad> 'ali who said: “the words of allah (these twain (the believers and disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their lord) up to (taste the doom of burning) [22:22] was revealed about us and about our duels on the day of badr”. said ibn 'abbas: “this refers to the people of the book. the latter said to the believers: 'we have a better right to allah than you; our scripture is older than yours and our prophet came before your prophet'. the believers said: 'it is us who have a better right to allah than you; we believe in muhammad and in your prophet as we believe in all revealed scriptures. you have recognized our prophet but refrained from believing in him. you disbelieved in him only because you envied him resentfully'. this was their issue of contention regarding their lord. and so allah, exalted is he, revealed this verse about them”. this opinion is also the view of qatadah.