Verse. 4804

٥٣ - ٱلنَّجْم

53 - An-Najm

وَمَنٰوۃَ الثَّالِثَۃَ الْاُخْرٰى۝۲۰
Wamanata alththalithata alokhra


Ahmed Ali

And Manat, the other third (of the pagan deities)?



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : and manat, the third, the other) will benefit you in the hereafter? it will not benefit them. it is also said that the verse means: do you deem that your worship of al-lat, al-'uzza and manat in the life of the world will benefit you in the hereafter. no, it will surely not benefit you. as for al-lat it was an idol which was worshipped in thaqif; al-'uzza was a tree in batn al-nakhlah which ghatafan worshipped; while manat was an idol in mecca which was worshipped beside allah by hudhayl and khuza'ah.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and manāt, the third, of the preceding two, the other? (al-ukhrā, a derogatory qualification of the third one). these were stone idols which the idolaters worshipped and which they claimed interceded for them with god (the first direct object of a-fa-ra’aytum, ‘have you seen’, is al-lāt and what has been supplemented thereto; the second [direct object] has been omitted). the meaning then is, ‘inform me: do these idols have the power over anything, such that you worship them besides god who has the power over all that has been mentioned?’ and because of their assertion also that the angels were god’s daughters, despite their aversion to daughters, the following was revealed: