Verse. 6215

١١٠ - ٱلنَّصْر

110 - An-Nasr

وَرَاَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُوْنَ فِيْ دِيْنِ اللہِ اَفْوَاجًا۝۲ۙ
Waraayta alnnasa yadkhuloona fee deeni Allahi afwajan


Ahmed Ali

And you see men enter God's discipline horde on horde,



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : and thou seest mankind) the people of yemen and others (entering the religion of allah) islam (in troops) entire groups at a time, when this happens, know that you will die.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and you see people entering god’s religion, that is to say, islam, in throngs, in large droves, after they had been entering one by one — this was after the conquest of mecca, when the arabs from all corners of the land came to him willingly [in obedience to his command] —

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : and you see people entering god’s religion in throngs,and you see people, the people of yemen, entering god’s religion in throngs, in multitudes (zumaran) — the tribe with its families, and the whole people. so, help your spirit (rūḥ) against your lower self (nafs) by preparing for the hereafter, for it [the spirit] comes from it. the lower self desires the world because it comes from that, but the spirit desires the hereafter because it comes from that. gain ascendancy over the lower self and open for it the door to the hereafter by glorifying [god] (tasbīḥ) and seeking forgiveness for your nation. from then on, he [the prophet <img border="0" src="images/salatonmassenger.jpg" width="24" height="22"> would seek forgiveness and glorify god] a hundred times in the morning and a hundred times in the evening. furthermore, he would strive in worship night and day to the point where his feet swelled up, his eyes became red, and his cheeks became pale. he would smile little and weep and ponder a has been narrated from ibn ʿabbās y that he said, ‘when this sūra was revealed, the companionsof the prophet <img border="0" src="images/salatonmassenger.jpg" width="24" height="22"> were gladdened by it, but abū bakr wept profusely. so the messenger of god <img border="0" src="images/salatonmassenger.jpg" width="24" height="22"> asked him “what makes you weep?” he said, “the parting of your soul has been announced for you o messenger of god.” the prophet <img border="0" src="images/salatonmassenger.jpg" width="24" height="22"> said to him, “you have spoken the truth.” then he said: “o god, grant him understanding of the religion, and teach him [the science of] interpretation (taʾwīl).” this is also a teaching in religion and glorification for his nation. indeed rabīʿ b. khaythum <img border="0" src="images/radeyallahanhom.jpg" width="24" height="22"> said, ‘reduce your speech except in nine [areas]: [in saying],“glory be to god!”, “praise be to god!”, “there is no god except god”, “god is great”, and in the recitation of the qurʾān, commanding what is right, forbidding what is wrong, asking for goodness and seeking refuge from evil.’