Dua After Burying the Deceased

There is no greater loss than the loss of a loved one, and this experience can be a shattering experience for not just the closest but an entire family. Death is a reality that cannot be escaped, and we have to return to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). The process of burial is indeed a painful one, but people can move towards the path of closure once the deceased has been buried. Once the deceased has been laid to rest, gathering in the community to pray and make dua after burying the deceased carries great significance.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) practiced stopping after burying the deceased and made supplication for them and advised others to "Ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) to forgive your brother and pray for him to be strengthened, for indeed he is now being questioned." Abu Dawud 3/315, and Al-Hakim 1/370 graded it authentic, and Ath-Thahabi agreed.

Hisnul Muslim

After burying the deceased

Sickness & Death Duas

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَهُ، اللَّهُمَّ ثَبِّتْهُ

Allaahum-maghfir lahu Allaahumma thabbithu.

O Allah, forgive him. O Allah, strengthen him.(The Prophet saw used to stop after burying the dead and say to the people: "Ask Allah to forgive your brother and pray for him to be strengthened, for indeed he is now being questioned".)

[Hisnul 164] [Abu Dawud 3/315, Al-Hakim 1/370.]

The Etiquettes of Reciting Dua After Burying the Deceased

When making dua after burying the deceased, ask Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) for the forgiveness of the departed and for Him to show His mercy. Pray for the patience and comfort of the family by making sure that your dua extends to asking for their strength in their difficult time.

Benefits of Reciting Dua After Burying the Deceased

When you make dua after burying the deceased, it benefits the departed soul as supplication serves as a cushion to the journey of transition that the one who left is now on. Making dua with others inculcates a sense of community and gives the grieving family a sense that they are not alone in their grief. It allows the living to reflect on their own lives as well as their time with the loved one or a friend that they have lost. It keeps the deceased alive in their memory and reminds them that we need to be mindful of the way we live because we will one day be leaving, too.


Any surah can be recited for the forgiveness of the deceased. Reciting Surah Tawheed 11 times is advised.
Yes. Visiting the grave is allowed, but when doing so, one must not step on graves. Crying and wailing on the graves is not allowed.