Verse. 1508

١١ - هُود

11 - Houd

اَمْ يَقُوْلُوْنَ افْتَرٰىہُ۝۰ۭ قُلْ اِنِ افْتَرَيْتُہٗ فَعَلَيَّ اِجْرَامِيْ وَاَنَا بَرِيْۗءٌ مِّمَّا تُجْرِمُوْنَ۝۳۵ۧ
Am yaqooloona iftarahu qul ini iftaraytuhu faAAalayya ijramee waana bareeon mimma tujrimoona


Ahmed Ali

Do they say you have fabricated it? Tell them: "If I have fabricated it, then mine is the guilt; but I am clear of what you are guilty."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (or say they (again)) indeed the people of noah say: (he hath invented it) noah has invented that which he has brought us? (say) to them, o noah: (if i have invented it, upon me be my crimes) my sins, (but i am innocent of (all) that ye commit) of crimes. it is said that this verse was revealed about muhammad (pbuh).

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : god, exalted be he, says: or do they, the disbelievers of mecca, say, ‘he has invented it’?, muhammad (s) has invented the qur’ān? say: ‘if i have invented it, then my crime will be upon me, my sin [will be upon me], that is, the punishment for it; and i am innocent of what you commit’, of crime, when you attribute invention to me.