Verse. 1600

١٢ - يُوسُف

12 - Yusuf

اِذْ قَالَ يُوْسُفُ لِاَبِيْہِ يٰۗاَبَتِ اِنِّىْ رَاَيْتُ اَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَّالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَاَيْتُہُمْ لِيْ سٰجِدِيْنَ۝۴
Ith qala yoosufu liabeehi ya abati innee raaytu ahada AAashara kawkaban waalshshamsa waalqamara raaytuhum lee sajideena


Ahmed Ali

When Joseph told his father: "O my father, I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon bowing before me in homage,"



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (when joseph said unto his father: o my father! lo! i saw in a dream) that i dreamt during the day (eleven planets) they came down from their orbits and prostrated themselves before me, a prostration of greeting-these are his brothers who were eleven in number-(and the sun and the moon, i saw them prostrating themselves unto me) he says: and i saw the sun and the moon coming down from their orbits and prostrated themselves before me, a prostration of greeting-these are his parents: rachel and jacob.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : mention, when joseph said to his father, jacob: ‘o my father (read yā abati to indicate the omitted yā’ of genitive annexation [sc. of yā abī]; or read yā abata to indicate that an alif, originally a yā’, has been omitted) i saw, in my sleep, eleven planets and the sun and the moon, i saw them ([repeated] for emphasis) prostrating themselves before me’ (sājidīn: this plural form is used to describe [the act of] ‘prostration’, which is an attribute associated with rational beings).