Verse. 1786

١٤ - إِبْرَاهِيم

14 - Ibraheem

رَبِّ اِنَّہُنَّ اَضْلَلْنَ كَثِيْرًا مِّنَ النَّاسِ۝۰ۚ فَمَنْ تَبِعَنِيْ فَاِنَّہٗ مِنِّىْ۝۰ۚ وَمَنْ عَصَانِيْ فَاِنَّكَ غَفُوْرٌ رَّحِيْمٌ۝۳۶
Rabbi innahunna adlalna katheeran mina alnnasi faman tabiAAanee fainnahu minnee waman AAasanee fainnaka ghafoorun raheemun


Ahmed Ali

Many a man have they led astray, O Lord. So he who follows me is truly of me; but as for him who disobeys me, surely You are forgiving and kind.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : and preserve me (my lord!) o my lord! (lo! they have led many of mankind astray) i.e. they were made to lead many people astray; it is also said that this means: many people went astray because of them. (but whoso followeth me) whoever follows my religion and obeys me, (he verily is of me) he follows my religion. (and whoso disobeyeth me) whoever opposes my religion, (still thou art forgiving) of whoever repent of among them, (merciful) towards whoever dies repentant.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : my lord, truly they, idols, have led many of mankind astray, because of their [mankind’s] worship of them. so whoever follows me, believing in the oneness of god, verily belongs with me, belongs with those who follow my religion; and whoever disobeys me, truly you are forgiving, merciful: this was before he was aware of the fact that god does not forgive idolatry.